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I can already tell, this dreams gonna be much better than my previous one, Franks here.

I was back in the field again, the creek, the hands, the bats, they were nowhere. The only real thing I could see was Frank, my dream man. Sitting right next to me.

"What does it look like when I show up?" "I actually don't know, it's always the opposite direction of where I'm looking." "That's weird. We'll check in one of your books tomorrow."

"Ya know, I wish I could feel what you feel when we kiss." "It's so awesome, I wish you could too. It's just like I know everything, like I have the answer to everything right at my fingertips." "I think if either of us are magic, it would be you." "That would be awesome."

If I was magic, I would kill my dad, and cover it up so no one would know. It would be like he never existed, but me and Mikey would still be alive. Somehow.

"Hey, I wonder if it's different here. Like you said how stuff's like, I guess stronger here. Maybe, if we kiss here, it would be different." "Hey, I'm not opposed to trying." I said giggling softly. Anything and everything is an excuse to touch him.

I shifted to face him, and brought my hands to his face. My fingers touched his skin and-

"Ow! What the fuck. Did you feel that Frank?" "Yeah, that was..." "Freaky." "Okay, I thought you couldn't finish my sentences." "Ugh, never mind that. What the hell just happened."

"I'm not really sure. But in one of my book's, I read that sometimes feeling's turn to electricity when they're strong enough. I'm guessing that's what it was." "Whoah, that's like, cool." "Yeah, anyway, it usually only happens once, touch me again?"

I hesitantly brought my fingers back to his face. No shock, perfect. He smiled "Either way, I can handle a little static electricity of it means I get to kiss you."

His eyes shown brightly, always so inviting. They were like Honey, I stuck to them. Frank leaned into me, tipping us backwards. His lips connecting with mine. Not even five seconds later, he pulls away.

"Fuck Gerard, I feel it." He falls back onto me, softly biting my bottom lip, a small whimper escapes my mouth. One of my hands entangles in his hair, the other moves to his lower back, pressing him closer to me.

He dropped onto me completely, every inch of him touching me. He was so beautiful. Even though my eyes were closed, I could still see him. He slowly moved from my mouth, down. He stopped near my collarbone, biting and sucking.

"Oh my god, Frankie." I groaned softly. His tongue dragged over the teeth marks. I could feel the blood rising to the front of my skin. He stopped and looked up at me.

"Do you think that's gonna be there in real life?" I shrugged.

I honestly had completely forgotten why we were doing this, that we had a reason. All I knew is that Frank, on top of me, was the best feeling ever.

"Are friends supposed to do this?" "Probably not. But it's for research. So it doesn't count." "Okay Frankie, whatever you say. We should probably wake up soon though." Frank crawled off of me, emptiness flooding my body. "Yeah, I guess."

"You wake up first, then you wake me up. Okay?" "Yeah, sure."

I heard something, I turned around to see nothing. "Did you hear- Oh yeah." I said realizing Frank was gone. I don't know why we can't see each other come and go. I don't need to know so I probably never will.

I awoke to Frank's lips on mine. "G'morning Gerard." His voice was gravely from having just woken up, but it was hot. "Morning Frank." He pulled the neck of my shirt down a little, revealing my collar bone. "Oh shit?" "What?"

"It's there." "Oh no. Fuck I gotta cover that. If Mikey or Pete see's..." "Oh god, yeah." I glanced toward the clock '9:30' "Okay, Pete's at work, and Mikeys probably not up yet. Let's run upstairs and get coffee, then we can come back down here and find something that'll cover it." "'aight."

"I wonder how that works, how it's there in real life." I questioned as we walked over to the stairs "I dunno, but I'm fine with it." Frank said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked up to the kitchen.

I opened the door and Frank practically threw his arm off me. "Mikey?" He choked out. "Oh, hey... OH MY GOD." He yelled looking towards me. I slapped my hand over my neck and pulled Frank back downstairs, slamming the door shut behind us.

And just like that, Mikey pulled it back open and ran down the stairs so fast I don't know how he didn't fall. "YOU TWO!!" "Okay wait Mikey, it's not what it looks like." "What do you mean Frank! What else could it be!"

I realized that my hand was dangerously close to Franks ass, I took a step away from him. "wait gerard, you're gay?" "Uhm, kinda." "I fucking knew it!" "Okay Mikey, please shut up for like 5 seconds. Do not tell anyone what you have just seen. Nothing happened, you're going crazy and seeing things. If you speak a word of this to Pete, you will never see him again."

"Fine, but you have to tell me what's going on." "C'mon Mikey." Frank said, grabbing him by his elbow and dragging him upstairs. Just like the other day, I went and stood in the middle of my stairs, just enough so I could hear them, but they can't hear me.

"Frank oh my god. What the hell happened?" "To be honest, it's not completely clear." I listened as he explained about how I texted him to come over and why I was mad and what happened. "How'd this even happen?"

"It gets a little bit confusing. You know about his dreams, but there's this whole thing with us. It's weird, and different. But I kissed him and-" "Please don't go to into detail." I heard Mikey say, fake gagging. "Whatever, So I kissed him, and he told me he loved me." Mikey squealed. "So you're like together now?"

"God, I wish. No, well not yet at least. I'm giving him some time to kinda figure stuff out. Make sure that he knows how he really feels, before I ask him out." "Okay so you're not dating, but you're making out." "It's this thing, you wouldn't understand." "Kissing the homies, I get it."

"Yeah sure, kissing the homies." "Okay while this is great and all, you seriously need to be careful with Gerard. He's a little bit different, you have to take your time with him." "I know Mikey. I would wait forever for him."

Forever is a long time. But I want to spend forever with him. I love him, for real. I want him.

I need him.

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now