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"Thank you all for coming to this shitty shitty basement to watch us perform! This is our last song of the night. If you know it, sing along!" I screamed into the mic. I saw at the very back of the crowd, a familiar face, but I ignored it. I don't know anyone here. "Let's Rock!" Ray screeched into his mic. Starting off the song.


The lyrics of our song "Headfirst For Halos" Flowed through me like a second blood stream. The last song of the set was always the best. Even if there was only like 40 kid's here, we still had the time of our lives. "THANK YOU ALL. WE ARE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!"

We finished the song and finally got off the small cramped stage, carrying everything to our shitty little van.

"Hey guy's, I'll be right back, Don't leave yet." "Okay, I think we're going across the street to get pancakes, come over when you're done." My brother, and bassist of my band. 

I walked around to the side of whatever this warehouse was we were playing in. I pulled out a cigarette and went for my lighter when I realized I didn't have it.

"Need a light?" I heard a voice say. I looked up, seeing that familiar face again. 

I nodded and leaned over to him while he lit the end of my cigarette.

"I feel like I know you from somewhere." "Uhh, well I go to like a lot of your shows, and I'm in this other band called Pencey Prep." "No, well yeah, but I feel like I knew you. Like I feel like I know, know you. Ya know?" 

"Yeah, I always thought you looked familiar too." "I mean I've been to some of your shows too so I guess it could be that... but I dunno." 

"Hey, I always wanted to tell you how awesome you guy's are, like your voice is crazy. You guys are great lyricist's, and..." He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't hear.

"Huh?" "Oh nothing..." "Wait I wanna know?" I said, grilling him for an answer. "I dunno, I was just saying you're kinda... good looking I guess." "Oh..." I felt my face flush a bright crimson color. "Thanks. I mean, so are you man."

"Hey, you play guitar right?" "Hmm, yeah. Why?" "Ya know, we need another guitarist to like... mash with Ray's guitar... and you seem like you know most of our shit. Wanna come get pancakes with me and the guys, maybe talk about you playing with us?" 

"Fuck man, that would be awesome!" "Great, C'mon." 

"My name's Frank by the way."

"Nice to meet you Frank, I'm Gerard."

I stuck out my hand and he grabbed it, shaking it.

The second our flesh touched, I was zapped immediately, by I don't know what.

"Yo, did you feel that?"  "Yeah," he shrugged. "Static electricity, I guess?" "Oh yeah..." 

But it wasn't that, it felt different, warmer... dare I even say familiar. 

I don't know how, but I know this kid... and I like him.

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now