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I woke up this morning to my alarm blaring. I smacked my phone to turn it off and sat up. No way in hell I'm going to class today, I don't want to see him. I just want to go back to sleep, that's what I'll do. I have free will, and its only 8:00am so even if I sleep a few more hours I can still decided to go to class. I won't though.

I had barely slept through the night, I couldn't stop thinking about Frank, about what he said... Does he like me, like have feelings for me. I mean I only met him yesterday but I feel like I've known him forever, which I guess I kind of have. I don't know, I can't think about this now, I need to sleep. I fell back to sleep instantly.

I was once again awoken by my phone blaring, not an alarm this time, a phone call. I picked up my phone, it read *unknown number* I checked the time, it was 12:24pm, I slept a lot more. 

I answered the call, just in case. "Hey" The man on the other end said. "Hello, who is this?" I said yawning. "Do you seriously not have my number saved!?" Frank, it's Frank. Why's he calling me? "No, why did you call me?" "Oh, well everyones wondering why you're not at school, I just called to make sure you were okay, are you okay?"

I don't know if he remembers what he said last night. I don't care whether he remembers or not, I'm mad at him. He called me weird, I'm not weird. He's the weird one, he says he wants to fuck me. That's weird!

"You still there?" I hadn't spoken for a minute. "Yeah, i'm fine. Bye." "Oh, b-." I hung up before he could fully respond. I wonder if Mikey went to school today. He's probably hungover, I'll go check on him.

I walked up stairs and was met by Mikey quickly pacing the living room. "Uh, what are you doing?" His head snapped up at me and he stopped moving, his eyes wide and his hair a mess. What the fuck happened to him last night? 

"I fucked Pete." Welp, guess that answered my unspoken question. "I-." I had no clue how to respond, I know Chris is a completely horrible person who deserves to burn in hell for all eternity  but still, cheating is never good. 

"Did you break up with Chris?" I question, walking over to the couch as Mikey continued to pace. Mikey just pointed to his phone, which was sitting unlocked on the coffee table. I picked it up and saw his text to Chris.

Mikey: Were breaking up, I hate you and if you come near me again I'll file a restraining order against you and go to the police to get you put in prison for rape and abuse.

*You blocked Chris<3*

Chris raped him? Fuck this guy, hell no. I'm not letting him get away with this. "Mikey, did he..." "Not me, but I don't remember what her name was but he told me about it a few days ago and he said if I told anyone he would.. he would do something bad." "Mikey, you have to tell the police." "I don't want him to hurt you." Mikey turned to me, tears slowly starting to form in his eyes, shit.

"Why would he hurt me?" "He said... He said he would kill you, h- he drew a picture, of your body under a bridge, bloody and decapitated. I'll never let him hurt you, I promise." "Artistic little shit, huh?" I don't know how to process my emotions, that probably wasn't the right thing to say. "Jesus man, this is serious. Can you show some emotion for once in your life!" Mikey shouted. So that definitely wasn't the right thing to say.

"Mikey, you know I don't mean it. You know how much I hate him." "Then fucking act like it Gerard." He said in a voice just above a whisper. I knew that ever since we were kids he had felt bad for me. He knew it wasn't my fault that my brain didn't work that way, he knew why too, he knew it was my parents fault but I tried to hide the majority of it from him. I didn't need his image of our parents to be even more tainted.

"Mikey, I can take you to the police station if you want. I'll be okay, I can fight the little bastard off." "Fucking hell Gerard, I can't go to the police. I just can't, I'm fucking terrified, please just emote like a normal person for once." "Stop."

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