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It's never awkward with Frank. We could sit in silence for five hours and it would still be comfortable. After last night I thought it would be awkward, But it wasn't. Not in the slightest. I think it's because even though it was subconsciously, I've known him for so long.

"So, I know you probably won't want to hear this but... I got another book on what I think could be going on." He whispered while the professor was mid lecture.

"Fraaank. You already have like 8, how much knowledge could you possibly need on this subject." "Well if something weird happens, like last night. I want to know why."

"What happened last night?" Hayley said turning around to glare at us.

None of our friends know about the dreams. It's too hard to explain. I looked at frank, we both shook our heads and turned back to Hayley. "Quite frankly it's none of your business." Frank whispered, spinning his finger in a circle signaling for her to turn back around.

"Ahem, Ms. Williams, am I interrupting your conversation?" The professor said, looking her directly in the eye. "You would be if these assholes would tell me what's going on, but they won't, so continue." Our whole friend group laughed at that one.

Once the Professor got back to his lesson, I turned to Frank. "Is that why you were late, the book?" "Oh uh no, I had a thing." "What kind of thing?" "Ya know, a thingy thing..." "Alright I guess."

Why does no one tell me anything.

"I'll tell you tonight, if that dream thing happens again. That was so wild."

"Yeah, you said that like five times all ready today." "Gerarduh, don't be mad, I promise I'll tell you later, okay?" "Fine, but what if the dream doesn't happen?" "I'll text you in the morning. You We only have Bio tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." "Hey would you want to go get coffee tomorrow? I'll pay for you with my magazine money." I giggled remembering I still had his magazine in my bedside table. "Sure."

"If you boys don't shut up, you need to leave." Fuck this guy.

Frank pretended to zip his mouth shut, lock it, and throw away the key, he turned and winked at me before throwing the fake key right at our professor. "Very Funny Mr. Iero. Leave now." Frank picked up all his stuff and stood up.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, I could feel his lips against the side of my face.

"I'll, wait outside. Come talk to me before you leave."

There it was. Butterfly, that's what Frank was talking about. But they don't mean anything.

Finally Mr. Dick let us out at 5:30 (thirty minutes late.) I walked out, Frank was sitting on the front steps, he had his earbuds in so he didn't realize I was there. I sat down next to him and quickly yanked his earbuds out. "FUCK. Oh my god Gerard, you scared the shit out of me." He jumped probably a foot and was now standing. I fell backwards laughing my ass off.

"Oh my god!" I said wiping my tears. "That was so funny." He came back over sitting down next to me, closer this time, our thighs were pressed together. I could feel the heat of his skin through his jeans.

"What time do you want to meet tomorrow for coffee and where?" "Uhm, I kinda want to sleep in so how 'bout like 12 then we can walk here together at like 3 for class." "Sure, do u wanna just go to the coffee shop on campus?" "Yeah sure!" "Okay, so tomorrow at noon at the campus coffee shop?" "Yup, and tonight you said you'd tell me-." "I know, I know."

"Okay good, I gotta go, but see you tomorrow, or tonight I guess." "Okay bye." I waved as I got up and started walking away. About 8 feet away frank ran up behind me, and grabbed my shoulder, making me stop where I was.

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now