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I fell asleep once again, into my dream state. It's not often that I have dreams two nights in a row, but it happens sometimes. I open my eyes and look in front of me expecting to see the usual creek. But it's not there. I sit in a field. lavender and daisies growing around me. I seem to have gotten here before Frank.

I don't know how he will show up, he was here first yesterday. I sit for maybe a minute then I hear someone beside me "Huh."

I turn and see Frank sitting next to me, just like how we were sitting on the steps earlier. "We're in a lavender field." He's still turned away from me, looking out at our surroundings. "It's pretty." "Yeah, it is." Frank lifts his hand and rests it on my thigh, close to my knee.

The sun is shining down on us, and there's a slight wind . "It's kind of like that scene in Twilight." I smile, and instantly regret it, wincing at the pain of my lip, cracked and reopened, bleeding again.

Frank turns to me. "Oh my god, what happened to your face?" "Is it that bad." I say touching my cheekbone where I can feel the bruising. Frank takes his hand of my thigh and cradles my face. He strokes my cheek with his thumb over my bruise.

"Does that hurt?" He asks. A worried look on his face. "No, does it look awful?" "No, of course not. It's a little bruised and you'r lips bleeding a little but I'm sure you'll heal in no time." I hope.

He keeps his hand on my face as he wipes away the blood with the hem of his shirt. "Who- what, happened?"

"It's not a big deal." "Gerard." He said with a stern protective voice. "Frank." "Why- who- when- what?" "It's nothing, I swear." "I don't understand. Did you get jumped? I thought you were just walking home?"

I don't want him to know. I don't want him to feel sorry for me. Im not weak. I can take care of myself. I never had anyone to comfort me growing up, why would I need it now.

"I'm fine." As if it was out of my control I felt a tear run down my cheek, pooling at Frank's hand.

"Oh Gerard. I'm here, it's okay." He kept his hands on me but made sure not to get to close. I told him I don't like hugs, but that was before... before I knew him, knew him like this. I looked him in the eyes. Fuck it.

I wrapped both my arms around him and pulled him into me. He wrapped one arm around me and used the other to lay my head onto his shoulder, he gently pet my hair while we sat there. "I'm sorry Gerard. Who ever did this, whatever happened. You don't deserve this."

We sat here for what felt like hours but was probably only a minute. He pulled away first, grabbing my face to inspect my cut on my lip again. "Can you please tell me either the who, or why?"

"I can't." "Why? Is it someone, I know?" He was still holding my face, our legs still pressed together.

"Not really. I don't even know why it happened so I can't really tell you."

"Was it Bert?" "No." "Was it one of our friends?" "No." "Was it- Mikey??" "hah, No." "I didn't think so, but I don't know who else. Was it one of your parents?" I looked away, pulling franks hands off my face.

"Oh Gerard, I'm so sorry." "Don't fucking pity me. It's probably something I did anyway. Im not a fucking weakling, I can take care of myself." I moved away from him so we wouldn't touch. I could feel the emptiness creep back inside.

"Fuck, I need to wake up. How do I wake up?" "Gerard, no. You're not weak, everyone needs to be comforted sometimes. It's not just you. You can't live like that, it's not physically possible to live without someone to take care of you even if it's not much."

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now