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"I don't know what he could possibly need, I haven't talked to him since the other night."

"Check." "Are you sure? I don't have to." "Yeah, it's fine." Frank forced a fake smile as I reached for my phone.

I opened it, making sure Frank could see it too. I need him to trust me.

Bert: Hey Gerard, I was wondering since your not dating Frank, if you could give me his number, h was super cool.

I looked over to Frank, my mouth agape. He had a horrified, disgusted look on his face.

"Ewwwwww." He screeched. My head fell onto his shoulder I was laughing so hard.

"Want me to give him your number?" "I sincerely hope you're joking Gerard." "Why not? He thinks you're cool." I said still laughing.

"If you give him my number, I swear to god I will leave and never come back." "Nooo." I pretended to be sad, but was still laughing. "Okay..." I said after catching my breath. "What should I say then?"

"Here gimme." He said taking my phone out of my hands and typing something. He hit send before I could see what he said.

"There yah go." Handed me back my phone and I read his response :

You: Hey Bert, Frank here. I'm hanging out with Gerard right now and would very much appreciate it if you would leave us alone, like you said you would 2 texts ago. I do not want you to have my number, def not my type. Please don't ever speak or type my name again. Byeeee.

read 9:43 pm

"Oh my god Frank that's so mean!" "What! everything I said Is true." He said shrugging.

I collapsed onto the bed laughing. Frank laid down next to where I was laying.

I finally collected myself and turned my head, looking at Frank. He was already looking back.

He smiled, again, his lips are right there, they're perfect. "What are you smiling at?" I had to talk so I wouldn't do anything stupid. "I dunno, I'm just glad you texted me." "Me too."

He always smelled so good, like mint and, something else I couldn't exactly put my finger on. Kind of like cigarettes, but cleaner, like a cigar. I don't know what it is, but I liked it. I tracked Frank's eyes as they travels down my face.


A text alert on my phone interrupted me from whatever the fuck was going on here.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" "What?" Frank said leaning his head against mine to see what I was talking about. "Look at what Bert said."

Bert: you are a fucking psychopath gerard way. pretending to be frank. I just texted him and he said your crazy. and that he's at home right now.

"God damn. He's the crazy one. Oh hey! We should send him a picture to prove that we're together." "Oh sure." I said sitting up and opening my camera. "Smile!" I said too Frank.

I decided to make the picture even better, to make Bert even more mad. I grab Franks chin and kiss him on the cheek. I took the picture than let go of Frank. I looked down to my phone and sent it, not looking at Frank.

You: *IMG*

You: Yikes, sucks for you.

I held up to my phone to Franks face to show him the picture. "Cute?" He looked at the picture, then at me, his cheeks are super pink, he looks so cute. He grabs my head and pulls me into a hug. "It's adorable, send it to me." "Okay." I said giggling.

We sit up against my headboard. "Hey Frank?" "Hmm?" He turned his head, to look at me, I kept looking forwards. "When are you going to tell me." "Tell you what?" He asked tilting his head to the side. "Your secret. I want to know."

"I know you do. I promise I'll tell you soon." "Ugh, I hate waiting." "Waiting makes everything better." I dropped my head onto his shoulder and picked my phone back up. I laughed into his neck. "What?" "He blocked me." "Good, he was weird. I didn't like him."

"Yeah, I wish he wasn't like that. I mean I thought he was my friend, but I guess not. It's just kind of sad that my only friend I had through all of my grade school years is gone." "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I have you, and everyone else, of course." "Oh yeah, of course." We laughed in sync.

"I know I've already said this like a billion times but I missed you Gerard. I still don't completely know what happened. But I'm glad you're okay, and that I'm here now."

"I like you Frank." "I know." "No Frank, I mean like... Never mind." I sighed, maybe Frank was right, even if we do both like each other, it wouldn't work out. We're too connected.

He laid his head down on top of mine, wrapping an arm around me. He's shorter than me, but his arm's are really long.

"I want to tell you so bad Gerard. But it just wouldn't work. You would hate me. I don't want to lose you."

"mikey was right you dumbass." I whispered to myself, he couldn't hear me, but I really, really wish he could. "Huh?" "Nothing."

"Do you want to stay the night again?" "Do you want me to?" Frank asked, lifting his head from mine so he could see my face. I turned my full body so I could face him, he did the same.

I nodded, he makes me blush much too often.

"Then of course I will. To be honest, I don't like being alone. Which I usually am. I mean, I love my parents but they're never home. That's why I love- I mean that's why I'm glad I met you. I'm not as lonely anymore. Even when I'm not with you, I can still like feel you. Ya know what I mean?"

"It's like how when I'm touching you, everything feel's different... better." "Hey... can I try something?" "Sure."

Before I even knew what was going on, Frank grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me into him. Smashing his lips against mine. Every one of my senses felt heightened. I grasped his hair and pulled him even closer to me. This was just like how I felt when we were touching but times 10.

Everything seemed so much clearer. I liked Frank, I really liked frank. I needed Frank. It was the venom. It was seeping inside of me. I felt more connected to him than ever. It felt like my whole body was glittering. It was perfect.

Frank pulled away far too soon. "Did it work?" I nodded vigorously. I dove into him, knocking him down, his head on my pillow. I was propped up above him, my hair dangling over my face."Oh my god Frank, did you feel it too? That was crazy! You're so perfect oh my god. How did you know that would happen?" "My books." "I love your stupid books." "Says the book hater." "Shut up."

"Make me."

I pulled him over to me, our lips colliding again. This was the most amazing thing, it meant I could kiss Frank, and everything was.... It was just different, special. I don't know how to explain it.

Frank moved me over and got on top of me. His tongue making its way into my mouth. His venomous saliva, mixing with mine. I'm convinced he's magic.

Oh my god.

I pushed Franks head away, he looked at me confused, hunger tainted his lips. "If you were a witch, would you tell me?" "You're crazy Gerard Way. I love it." he pulled me back in, pressing his entire body weight onto my chest.

I felt like I could do anything in this moment.

"I love you Frank." I said against his lips. He pulled away rapidly. "Are you serious?" I nodded. His smile spread from ear to ear.

Frank moves from my lips to my neck. "I love you too Gerard." he whispers into my skin.

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now