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"Will you be my boyfriend?"


"Did you seriously not hear me."

Frank sat there, staring at me, his jaw on the floor.

"Gerard oh my god. Do you- are you, what?"

"Don't make me revoke my offer?"

"I have like so many questions."

"I have no where to be."

"Okay, first of all, are you fucking serious?"


"Oh, okay. Second, I thought you only liked me as a friend."

"Frank, I never said that. You just tricked yourself into thinking that. I literally let you fucking mark me. I'm yours Frankie. I told you so many times that friends don't do that stuff, but you never took the hint."

"Gerard, oh my god, I'm so stupid."

"You still haven't given me an answer." 

"Gerard, what do you think the answer's gonna be."

I shrugged, looking away from his scorching gaze. "With all these questions I'm thinking no."

"Well then you're stupid." "What?"


"Oh? Cool!"

"Cool? Gerard, do you actually want me to be your boyfriend."

"Yes, so much. I've just never dated anyone. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Well we can start with this." He said, grabbing my face and kissing me passionately.

"Okay but, we already did that. What do couples do?" "I dunno, go on dates." "Oh yeah, that. I don't really like doing stuff."

 A clap of thunder boomed right outside my one and only, tiny window. "We could just hangout in here and call it a date." "Frankie, this is hardly a date worthy room." "I dunno, I like it, it's cozy. And as long as I'm with you, I'm good with whatever." 

"Thanks, I think. Wanna watch a movie?" A burst of lighting lit up my room. "Only a scary one would be appropriate for right now." "Perfect, because I really only have scary ones." 

I put All Hallows Eve into the DVD player, we talked through most of it anyway.

By the credits, we were sitting at the head of my bed, Frank's arm over my shoulder, my head on his. He had to sit on a pillow to get high enough to be able to put his arm around me. He turned his head toward me, "I don't think we should tell people but we shouldn't hide it either. Let people find out on their own." 

"I think when we kiss in front of them it'll be pretty obvious." "Maybe, homies do that sometimes." "Okay Frank."

"I think maybe we should leave my room, go for a walk." "Giotto, it's storming, we can't go out." "I like storms." "Of course you do, emo ass bitch." "Okay Frank Iero. Skeleton glove wearing dick." 

"Whatever, we could go to the mall. I might have called and asked when Jamie was working so we wouldn't run into her." "Hah, that's cool of you. Sure, we could go. I'm in desperate need of a new black studded belt, so many of the studs fell off mine." "Okay, let's go then."

We got dressed, I showered because of course, I smelled like a dumpster fire. We said bye to Mikey, who jumped at the thought of us actually doing something. We decided to take the bus because Frank hasn't gotten payed yet, and well, gas is expensive. We sat at the bus stop, 2 more minutes till the bus came. 

"Ya know, if you put tape on the back of the studs they won't fall off as easy." "This is why I need you." I grabbed his hand. We held hands, in public, it was perfect.

I listened to the rain, pounding on the cover of the bench. Enjoying my peace. "Can I paint your nails when we get back?" "Sure Frankie, only if you let me wash your gloves." "NOOO! That takes away all the aesthetic." "Thats so disgusting Frank."


My phone buzzed, an email? From Margo?

'Hello Gerard

I hope you're having a good week. I don't know if you're aware but your fathers insurance company called my office, they can't continue to cover your therapy. They wouldn't give me any details, I thought you should know if you don't already. Let me know if you want to continue your payments another way, or give up your time slot. 

Stay safe, Margo.'

"On no." "What's wrong." "We need to go." 

I got up, running back to my house. Frank following not far behind me.

I turned the corner onto my street, 2 unknown cars in front of my house.

"Fuck." I said standing in place, Frank running up behind me, out of breath. "Giotto, what's going on?"

"He's dead." 

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now