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"Okay, what do we need to do first?" "We should probably go to my place first so I can pick up and talk to my brother.." "Alrighty." Frank said as we started to my house. It was a short walk. I hope Mikey's decent, I don't feel like texting him.

We walked up to the house and I saw Chris's car in the driveway, great. I opened the front door being met with a loud clatter come from up stairs and Chris ran down and left. "Shit." I whispered going up stairs. 

"Mikey, you up here, I gotta tell you something?" I questioned walking into his room. He was curled up in the corner, hiding his face, fuck. I heard Frank come up the stairs after me. "Wait here." I said to Frank in the hall, walking into Mikey's room shutting the door behind me.

I walked over to Mikey and crouched beside him, gently moving his hand from his face. He had a bruise forming around his left eye and the left side of his lip was busted. "Mikey. I know you can fight, why don't you hit him back?" I questioned as he sat up and wiped his eyes. "Hitting people is bad, he only does it to help me." "Mikey, you need to break up with him." "I love him Gerard." "No you don't, you were going to break up with him the other day." "Just drop it Gerard." He said, his face falling from a pout to anger. "Okay." I knew I would come back to it later though. He needs help.

"What do you have to tell me?" He said getting up and going to change from his bloody shirt into a clean one. "Tonight, I'm uhm. I'm having a party..." Mikey stopped what he was doing and turned to me, his mouth ajar. "I'm sorry did I hear you right, You, Gerard Way, are having a party?" 

"Yeah, my friends are coming and-." I started to say before Mikey interrupted me. "YOU HAVE FRIENDS!?" Mikey yelled. "Yes and shut up one of them is right outside your door." "You have very thin walls too!" Frank shouted from the other side of the door

Mikey quickly threw on a shirt and went to see who was standing in the hall. "Hello there, I'm Mikey, Gerard's brother. Sorry I look like this my first time meeting one of Gerard's friends." "It's alright. I'm Frank, nice to meet you." "Okay, that's enough. Frank we're leaving in a minute, but first." I said turning to Mikey.

"Guess who's coming to the party." "Who?" Mikey asked raising his eyebrow. "Pete, from the art store." His eyes got wide and his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "WHAT!" He yelled grabbing my shoulders. "Oh fuck, the first time he's gonna see me I'll have a black eye and a bloody lip, shit shit shit." He said turning around and retreating into his room, slamming the door behind him. "Alright, see you later I guess." I said turning around and walking downstairs, Frank following me.

"Who was that guy, that ran out?" Frank questioned once we were out the door. "That was my brothers stupid boyfriend Chris." "He hit him?" "Yeah, he says it's because he loves him. I've tried to convince Mikey to breakup with him but he won't. He definitely has a thing for Pete though" "I see, maybe we should try and get them together tonight." "I dunno, I think Mikey needs to break up with Chris first." "Yeah, I guess." 

We were walking to the store when I pulled out a box of cigarettes. "You don't seem like the type." Frank said as I lit it between my lips. "Well I am." I said as I blew out smoke. "Can I hit?" Frank asked smiling. I said nothing, just handed it to him and watched as he inhaled. He had a really nice jawline. "You do seem like the type." "What's that supposed to mean??" Frank said laughing.

"I dunno, you just seem like the rebellious type." "I was in high school. I got expelled from 3 different school and was in detention constantly." "What did you do?" "I got into a lot of fights, failed a lot of classes, I was kind of a bitch to teachers too." "Why?" "Because I was the funny kid, that's how everyone knew me. I was the one that made everyone laugh. I was popular but I didn't really have any friends, people just knew me. I had a reputation to keep." "Oh" He definitely talked a lot, but I liked that because I didn't and he was someone who could fill the silences in my life.

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