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~time skip to friday morning~

"Frankie, wake up. We have to go to class today." I whispered, wiggling out of his grip. After two days of Frank sleeping in my bed. I felt pretty sure of myself.

I loved him, in a 'more than a friend' way.

But I don't want to tell him yet. I like how it is now. I don't want it to change.

"God Gerard, please don't make me go." Frank whined, sitting up. "We haven't seen anyone other than Mikey in Pete in a while, we need to go." "Fine. I need to go to my place first though. I'll probably be late." "You're always late Frank." "I know, I don't care. Bye, love you." "Bye-bye. Love you too."

He quickly kissed me before walking upstairs, and outside.

Even though we're not dating, (yet) we act like we are. And I don't mind it. But I'm always so afraid to lose him. I can't lose him.

Fuck I can't even think about it.

I got up, threw on the first clothes I saw. A hoodie that I don't remember buying and some baggy jeans. Pretty much the same thing I always wear.


I walked into class early, five whole minutes before class started. Everyone was already there, except Frank of course. I sat in the same seat as always. Hayley and Ray to my sides, and Frank in front of me, Andy behind.

"Well how kind of you to show up Gerard." Hayley said, side eyeing me. "Yeah, sorry about that, I just- didn't want to come." "mmhmm..." Hayley knows, I don't know how, but she knows.

We talked about what I had missed until the professor walked in. The door is in the back of the class, his desk is in the front. He loves to make a grand entrance. He always walks in, starting to talk about his life while making a slow retreat to his desk. It's gross.

15 minutes had passed, still no Frank. I sat bored out of mine.


I picked up my phone at the speed of light. So glad to have something to do, other than listen to this man drone on and on about his boring ass life. He's supposed to be teaching us math.

Frankie:p: Come to the bathroom

You: kk

God bless Frank Iero.

I stand up, catching the attention of the one and only Hayley Williams. "Where are you going?" "Ill be right back." "Okay..."

I walked out of that classroom as fast as possible. I hate math.

I saw Frank standing outside of the Faculty bathroom, holding his phone to his ear, listening to something.

"What are you doing?" He responded by grabbing my arm, and pulling me into the room.

"Frank, how did you get the key to this?" "Unimportant. Look at this."

He shoved his phone in front of my face. To close to see it. I took it from his hands, holding it out to read:

'New and Upcoming Band 'The Used' Released New Song'

The New Band, "The Used" released their new song today 'Pretty Handsome Awkward' reportedly about lead singer Bert McCracken's Ex!

Frank pulled his phone back and opened Spotify. "Listen to it."

I sat in silence, my mouth agape for the whole 3:35 long song. Finally it was over.

"Gerard, that song's about you." "Oh. My. God." "Gerard. Are you okay?"

"Whythefuckwouldhewriteasongaboutme." My mouth moving 1000 words per minute. "wedidntevendatehescrazyidontwantasongwrittenaboutme!"

"Calm down Gerard, it's okay. No one knows it's about you." "But.. but- why?" "He's psychotic Gerard, you did noting wrong prediletto."

I love it when he speaks Italian. I crane my head down so I'm looking in his eyes. "I don't know what that means." "You don't need to." "I love you Frankie."

He smiled and looked down. "You know you're wearing my sweatshirt?" "Ohhh, that's why I didn't remember buying it." "It looks good on you." He lifted himself onto his tip-toes so he could kiss me.

"This is so not something friends do." I said, laughing at the thought of Andy and Joe doing this. "Whatever." He groaned pulling me down by the neck of my hoodie to kiss me again.

"Okay, as much as I don't want to, we need to go to class." "Ughh, you suck Gerard." "..." "Not like that." He laughed, rolling his eyes.

"By the way, I think Hayley know's so don't be obvious." "What, how?" "I dunno, she just looks like she knows." "No, you're just being paranoid." "Fine, see for yourself."

We walked back to our seats, side by side. Hayley instantly going to open her mouth. But shutting it again and pulling out her phone.

We sat down, my phone buzzing immediately.

Frankie:p: Omg she know

You: Told you

Frankie:p: how??????????

You: I have no idea. Must be a girl thing?

Frankie:p: I gess

A new alert popped up at the top of my screen

'Hayley created a new group'

'Hayley added Frank'

Hayley: Which one of you is gonna tell me what's going on here??

Me and Frank both turn to look at a her. She just aggressively points at her phone.

"Ugh." I sigh

You: What are you talking about?

Hayley: r u guys like fucking

I hear Frank laugh in front of me.

Frankie:p: No Hayley

Frankie:p: what do u think is going o?

Frankie:p: *on

Hayley: ok u guys gotta b dating or something

You: nope

Technically i'm not lying, we're not dating... yet

Hayley: I know you guys r lying

Hayley: But idc

Hayley: rays having a party at his place tn

Hayley: u guys coming??

I do not want to go to a dumb ass party. I got a separate message, from just Frank.

Frankie:p: Do u u wanna fgo

You: do u?

Frankie:p: yah

You: then sure.

Frankie:p: im coming to ur house after bio

Frankie:p: I can drive us there.

You: kk

I'll just sit on the couch and let Frank do what he does.

Hayley: Hello?? u in or no

Frankie:p: Were comng

Hayley: gr8, b there early. like 7

You: k

I hate parties

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now