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I pulled up Bert's messages and started typing:

You: Hey Bert I've been super busy with school lately and I don't think I really have any time soon to hangout, super sorry.

Bert: I see.

Bert: is this because of Frank?

You: I don't know.

Bert: Gerard, be honest. Are you and Frank dating?

You: No, we're not. 

Bert: You like him though don't you.

You: I have to go Bert. It was nice to see you.

Bert: Shit I'm sorry for prying Gerard, I know you don't like that. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I'll leave you and Frank be. Bye Gerard.

Fuck, now I feel bad. Bert was my best friend, and I'm just ignoring him now. Is Frank even worth it?

I threw my phone off my bed, and laid down straight on my face. I can't even be bothered to put pajamas on. I just want to sleep, and not think.

I felt my self drifting off to sleep. I could feel the on coming dream buzzing in the back of my head.

Finally my eyes closed completely. My brain stopped but my subconscious kept going.

I opened my eyes to the very memorable creek side patch of land I always stood in. This was different. I was sitting, the hands were gone, nothing was trying to grab me. It was quiet. I could control myself, it was like I woke up in a different reality. I turned my head to the left, nothing then the right. 

He was there. Frank was sitting right next to me. I could see him, I could feel him. His face, his hand on my knee, I could feel his aura, he could feel mine. I don't know what's going on, and he looks just as bemused as me.

"Can you feel that?" "I- yeah, I can." "I don't know what's going on. It's never been like this before." "I know, I can see you, you're face, it's not blurred." A smile crept up to his lips. 

"This is cool. I like that I can talk to you even when I'm asleep. It makes me feel... not so alone." "I thought you said your parents were home?" "Oh yeah, about that. I'm sorry or leaving like that. it was just weird, I don't really know why I did that."

I turned so I was facing him. His hand never leaving my knee. Our faces merely inches apart. I could feel the warmth radiating off his skin, his breath smelled like mint. His eyes are like the stars, completely and utterly breath taking. He's gorgeous. His golden brown hair, a mess from being slept on. 

It wasn't until I really looked at him that I realized he was shirtless. His ink covered chest, bare. I couldn't help but to look down, the colors drawing me in.

"My eyes are up here buddy." 

"Your tattoo's are so cool. I wish I wasn't so afraid of needles." "It's not that bad when it's actually happening. It's the lead up thats the most nerve-wracking part." "Oh. Maybe someday I'll grow the balls." Frank laughed, throwing his head back. 

His new scorpion tattoo, that I guess wasn't very new in the dreams, but in real life it was, was now covered in plastic. That reminded me...

"Hey, I uhm, meant to tell you that I talked too Bert." Franks smile slowly faded into a shallow snarl. "Oh, great." His hand retreated from my knee. 

"I told him that I can't hangout any time soon. He asked me if it was because of you." "Oh... what did you say?" I watched his hand twitch, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I said I don't know." "Okay."

"What do Pete and Mikey know that I don't." "Nothing." Frank said, answering to fast for it to be true.

"Frank I don't understand. Do you not trust me or something? I don't get why they get to know and I don't. I- I thought we were friends..." "Gerard, you're like my best friend. That's why I can't tell you." "That doesn't make any sense."

Frank moved his hand, this time placing it on my shoulder instead of my knee.

"I know."


My alarm started blaring, telling me that it's time for school. What awful timing.

I turned off my alarm, only for my phone to buzz again. A text this time.

Unknown Number: whoah

You: I know

Unknown Number: that was difrrint

You: Yeah

Unknown Number: I wonder why it was like that

Unknown Number: like y were we so conecte

You: I don't know, it was cool though.

Unknown Number: derfinitly

Unknown Number: I gotta get redi cu l8r

You: See yah.

The entire time I was getting ready, I couldn't stop thinking about the dream, thinking about him. How I felt last night. How I felt about him last night. I saw him differently then I see him in real life. 

He looked the same and acted the same, but it was like, as if I wear a veil in real life that blurs his real effect on me. The way I saw him, it's like, just his touch was venomous, but in a good way, I guess.

The second he took his hand off me it was like I was empty. Like something was missing. I don't know what it was, but I didn't hate it...

"Shit." I blurted glancing a the clock seeing I was late. 

I rushed my way to school. Running into the room just before the professor get there. Frank had told me yesterday he wouldn't be here until Bio. I don't know why though, I didn't feel the need to ask.

Later I walked into my second class. Hayley sitting in her seat, impatiently waiting for me to sit down next to her.

"So?!?!" "I talked to Bert. And I don't think I'll be talking to him again." "Ah man, I'm sorry." "It's alright. When I really think about it, Frank's a better friend than Bert ever was." "I bet." Hayley said giggling.

"I hate not knowing stuff." "Whatever." 

The rest of my classes were boring, waiting for Frank wasn't something I usually do but Hayley was annoying me today.

I walked into Bio, finally. Frank wasn't there. I anticipated that, I don't think he's ever been on time.

I was turned talking to Ray when I felt someones hand brush up against mine. I turned to see Frank smiling at me, already blushing.

"Hey." He whispered as the professor walked in. I smiled back.


In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now