Chapter 6

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Watching Harry wait for me at the bar was entertaining, to say the least. It was the first time he had come to Redwood alone, but I think in the absence of the two girls he was always with, that only made him appear extra available.

Since he arrived a half hour ago, nursing a neat whiskey, three girls had made their advances. I was working tables tonight so I never heard what was said, but he wore his classic smirk, and each girl at some point threw their heads back laughing with blushing smiles as they touched some part of him.

Seeing him like that, it was hard to believe that he wasn't the type to have a girlfriend. From an outsider's perspective, he seemed like the kind of guy that would have a girlfriend for as long as he felt like it, then get bored and move on to the next one. Although, I guess that's what he was already doing, minus the title.

I had only slept with Owen and one more guy since meeting Harry, both of which were a complete disappointment. And of course, I wouldn't go as far as to say that I had feelings for him or anything of the sort, but I've found that he was easy to talk to after we had our little phone conversation the other night. If anything, I liked that he could make me laugh as easily as he could give me an orgasm. That was rare.

As 6:00 rolled around, I glanced back to see him closing his tab just as I was cleaning up my last table. There was a girl with dirty blonde hair sitting beside him, sipping from her pink cocktail as she twisted to face him more. When he spoke a little closer to her, all I could do was shake my head and laugh knowing that he spoke to me the same way. His charm was undeniable, I'll give him that.

Once I was given the OK to clock out, I grabbed my bag and made eye contact with him as he stood from his stool. I walked around the bar to get to him, and the blonde's smile fell as he asked me if I was ready to go. It made me feel a little smug, I guess.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I nodded, glancing between him and the girl, but he didn't give her a second look as he turned to head out first. Not even a wave, or a 'see ya later'. "Who was that?"


I raised my brows at him, laughing at his genuine confusion. "The woman you were literally just talking to."

"Oh," he coughed a laugh into his fist, swinging his keys on his index finger as we walked to his car. "She told me her name, but...I can't remember it now."

"Wow," I tsk'd my tongue like I was disappointed, and all he did was smile the way he does as he opened the door for me to climb into his Rover. The smell of leather and his cologne, mixed with cigarettes, was somehow comforting to me already.

"So how was your shift?" He asked, settling into the driver's seat.

"Fine, yeah," I buckled up and dropped my tote down by my feet. "You didn't have to wait there and pick me up, though. You could have just met me at mine."

"I could have," he agreed, glancing down the street before exiting the parking lot, "but I like it there. It used to be one of our regular spots before London was even a thought in your American mind."

I looked over at him, watching as he tilted his head back to check his rearview mirror. "Really?"

"Uh-huh," he spared me a glance. "Food's great, drinks are great, we get to watch football, not to mention the fact that there's always a handful of bored women sitting around. Doesn't get much better than that."

"Hm," I nodded out to the windshield. "So are you not a club guy, then?"

He tilted his head from side to side as he considered the question. "It depends. I would never go to a club with just Zayn and Niall by ourselves, but we'll go if their girlfriends want to. That happens on occasion, seeing as they get sick of sitting there while we watch sports."

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