Chapter 20

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"Do I really have to do this?"

Harry tilted his head at me, laughing sympathetically. "Cam, you're hanging out with two of my best friends, you're not going to get your teeth pulled."

"I know, I know, but–" I cut myself off with a loud groan, falling back on the bed. "It's gonna be so awkward. I don't know them, but they're apparently like sisters and I just don't get why it needs to be a whole thing."

He nudged his knee between my thighs to lean over me, hanging his head for a kiss. "It needs to be a thing because they're dying to get to know you, and I'm honestly tired of asking them to leave me alone about it."

I kept my pout, which wasn't easy to do while staring up at his face. "Are they going to take me to a fancy French restaurant? And what are we supposed to talk about?"

He laughed at that first part. "No, Lucy knows how much of a bust that was, and as far as the talking goes, I'm sure they'll ask you questions about where you're from and all that. They talk a lot so I can't imagine it'll be awkward."

I had no problem talking to men, despite my past, but women were a different story for me. Ever since I was a kid, other girls didn't want to talk to or play with me, until college when I met Kayla. Maybe that was because we were both a little fiery and misbehaved, so it was only natural that we got along. She was the only real girlfriend I ever had, and that obviously didn't work out.

"Can you just keep your phone with you in case I need to get out of it?" I asked. "And what will you even be doing anyway?"

"You're not going to need to get out of it," he dropped his lips to my cheek in assurance, "but I'm just having Niall and Zayn come to my place so you'll all come back there when you're done doing whatever it is you'll be doing. Alright?"

As I opened my mouth to respond, my phone buzzed on my bed. I checked the screen to see that Lucy had texted me with a very enthusiastic, we're outside!!!

"You'll be fine," Harry kissed me again, and once more after that before pulling me up to stand with him. "And you look great."

"Thanks," I muttered, glancing down at my outfit. I kept it simple with a pair of jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt under a fleece-lined Levi's jacket, and my usual leather ankle boots, hoping I wasn't underdressed.

I wasn't quite used to November being cold when Arizona didn't really fully experience winter until December and January, but even Harry said that this might be the coldest London has been in a few years. It was new to me, but I didn't mind it as long as I was able to go shopping for more winter clothes soon. 

Rather than just leaving me to head to his own car, Harry went out of his way to walk me over to Lucy's white Mercedes and opened the door to the backseat for me. Both girls greeted him with a wave before telling him to go away, then gave me genuine and warm smiles.

"Bye," he chuckled over my lips as he pecked them, reminding me that he'd see me in a little while before he closed me in. Only partially teasing, he told the girls to keep the stories to a minimum, to which they agreed as Lucy rolled the window back up.

"Hey, Camden," Lucy continued to laugh with Molly as Harry gave them the middle finger before settling into his Range Rover to head home.

"Hi," I exhaled, shivering as my body adjusted to the warmth from the air vents. "Thanks for coming to get me, that was nice of you guys."

"Of course!" They answered at the same time, in the same pitch, which made them share a look. Lucy was the one who laughed and told Molly to knock it off before they scare me. They really did have a sister vibe about them.

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