Chapter 71

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My skin felt warmer than usual, as I woke up and squinted my eyes open to see nothing but white. In the midst of getting right down to business last night, Camden and I failed to draw the shades over the glass wall across from our bed, giving us a sea view and access to the kind of sunshine we didn't typically see in England.

I needed more sleep, that much was clear by the way my eyes kept trying to close again, but my mind was quick to remind me where I was and who I was with. The thought was enough to bring a smile to my face as I lulled my head over to see Camden sleeping on her side.

She wore a little white silk slip dress that Lucy apparently gifted her for this trip, and her hair was still done the way she had it for the wedding, only more of the pieces were out of place from moving around in her sleep.

Trying not to disturb her, I brushed her hair off her neck just to reveal a plethora of red and purple splotches on her otherwise perfect skin. I scrunched my nose in a wince, though I'm sure my own throat didn't look much cleaner. She got just as carried away herself, and I was happy to let her.

With her left hand resting on the mattress, I looked down to see her new wedding band glittering alongside the engagement ring I gave her. I lifted my hand to see my own ring, the one I had already been wearing long before I was supposed to, as if I just needed to make sure the wedding actually happened.

I dropped my hand next to hers right as she started to shift around. She made that quiet squeaking sound she always did when she stretched her legs out closer to my side of the bed, and I watched her blindly reach out for me until her hand was resting on my chest. Her eyes were still closed as she slid it up higher to wrap loosely around my throat. She smiled as soon as I laughed.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I croaked out.

"Mhm," she vaguely confirmed as I rolled over to face her. Only then did she force her eyes to stay open after blinking slowly a few times. "Hi."

I moved closer until I was sharing her pillow, and she seemed happy to let her lashes flutter closed again before I kissed her. She sighed tiredly with her fingers threading through my shorter hair, and I was still so relieved that the first thing she didn't do was slap me across the face at the alter for making such a rash, last minute decision. Besides, we found out last night that there was still plenty enough left for her to grab onto.

"Are you hungry?" She asked, simultaneously wrapping herself around me and pushing me over onto my back.

"Are you offering?"

She smiled into the next kiss. "No, I was hoping you would."

"Oh, great," I laughed as she laid her head on my chest.

In the silence that followed, we could hear the ocean practically right on the other side of our room, only separated by about two hundred feet of white sand. There were birds chirping, but that was it. No other people, no cars, no planes. That was the perk of being set up on a private stretch of beach, I guess.

"I miss Darcy," Cam whispered. "Do you think she thinks we abandoned her?"

I cleared my throat to try and rid the last of the hoarseness. "I don't think she's old enough to be thinking like that, but I'm sure she'll be happy to see us when we're home."

"Mhm," she tilted her head down to start tracing the butterfly tattoo on my sternum. "I'm happy to be here with you, though. Really happy."

"Me too," I squeezed the back of her neck before she started wiggling to get on top of me, just so she could reach over and check my phone.

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