Chapter 23

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Somehow, tonight would be the first time Camden would be present for one of my house parties. It wasn't the first time I invited her, but she was usually working so she'd come over after it had already died way down, or I'd ask one of my friends to stay the night so I could leave entirely and stay at her place with her.

But this was the first party I'd be having since we made things official two weeks ago, and she happened to have the Saturday night off. I wanted nothing more than for her to be there, but I found myself glancing anxiously around the room at all the women who were showing up, most of which I had slept with before.

I was expecting Camden to maybe feel awkward or out of place, seeing as she didn't know anyone apart from my immediate close group of friends, but she seemed to be fitting right in even without me by her side.

Lucy and Molly took her away from me the second she arrived, and as much as I wanted to stay close to her, I figured it'd be good for them to keep spending time together now that we were actually dating. I just wanted her to stop seeing them as only my friends.

"So how was your little trip to Kent with Kent?" Zayn asked.

"It was good, yeah," I sipped from my glass. "We're dating now, so."

Both Zayn and Niall whipped their heads over at me. "Pardon?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing they would make it a whole thing. "You can't be that surprised when you two were the ones saying we were basically already dating."

"Yeah, but official is like...official," Niall said. "That's kind of a big deal for you."

I could have gone without the reminder that as a 24-year-old man, going on 25, I only now had my first-ever girlfriend. "I guess, but not much has changed except for the title. Like, neither of us is acting differently or anything."

"Mhm," Zayn and Niall both looked past me, shared a look with each other, and laughed. "So how do you feel about that, then?"

To his gesture, I turned around and saw Camden standing with two guys while Molly and Lucy were lost in their own conversation close by to her. Both guys seemed to be explaining something to her in great detail, and I could tell she was at least tipsy by the way her smile remained as she nodded at them. Usually, she had quite the resting bitch face–her words, not mine.

Did I love it? No.

"She's, um...she's allowed to talk to other guys," I cleared my throat, watching the way the taller blonde put his hand on her shoulder and spoke closer down to her level. Whatever he said, she found it funny.

"She's laughing a lot," Niall added, and I was sober enough to know they were just trying to mess with me now.

"Yeah, well she laughs a lot when she's drunk," I quickly explained. "Who are those guys anyway?"

"Dunno," Zayn shrugged, and Niall couldn't place them either.

Still just observing from across the room, I saw the blonde start to mix a shot of Irish cream with Jameson on the kitchen island and handed it to Camden. My girlfriend. She took the shot and wrinkled her nose, shaking her head as she started explaining something to him. None of it should have bothered me half as much as it really did.

"So whatever you do now will define what kind of boyfriend you are," Zayn said, forcing me to turn back to him again. "You're either the jealous prick who doesn't let her talk to any guy but you or you trust her enough to know that she likes you, and that it doesn't matter if she's talking to another guy."

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