Chapter 59

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My anxiety levels were just about through the roof since we touched down in Rome. I was trying to do everything in my power to match Camden's excitement and energy all morning as she ran around the house making sure we had everything we needed, mostly for Darcy, but all I could think about was how her engagement ring was stuffed down at the bottom of our luggage in my toiletry bag.

We had been a bit off lately, but no more than usual. Our spats were small and typically resolved within an hour or two, but that was never a factor that played into whether or not I wanted to marry her. At this point, our arguments just made

But for now, she was smiling as she bounced Darcy on her hip and showed her around the hotel lobby with Molly and Lucy. I thought about booking us a house, but I felt like a house for all three of us couples wouldn't offer the privacy I was hoping we'd need after I popped the question.

Once we were all checked in, Camden followed me as I rolled the one suitcase and weekend bag we were sharing toward the lift, along with Darcy's infant cushioned lounger for her to sleep in. Meanwhile, Zayn and Niall had to grab a cart each to stack their luggage with the two suitcases their girlfriends' packed for four days.

We got up to our room on the tenth floor, and Camden gasped on impact when she saw the view straight away in the back of the room. She took Darcy right over to open the balcony doors, pointing out to the cityscape, and I stood there in the entryway realizing that I was quite literally staring at my future in the two of them.

"Come see!" She turned to wave me over, so I left our suitcase small duffle by the door to go and see the view for myself. "This is insane."

"Yeah, it's nice," I stole Darcy from her to give her arms a break, smiling at her as she pointed out to Rome.

"You wanna go explore?" Camden asked her as she smushed a kiss on her cheek. "I want pasta and pizza, stat."

"I figured as much," I chuckled and followed her back into the room to watch her open our suitcase at the foot of the bed we'd be sharing.

I casually grabbed my toiletry bag before she could even think of touching it and left it on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Darcy remained happy while Camden quickly exchanged her sweats and tank top for a short yellow sundress that would keep her cooler in the summer heat.

"Can you put some sunscreen on her?" She dug her cosmetic bag out of the suitcase to toss me the little travel-sized tube. "Then I just have to try and feed her, and I'll be ready to go."

Darcy grunted in disagreement as I laid her down on the bed and squeezed about a pea-sized amount of the sun cream on my finger, dabbing it on her full cheeks and forehead. She went through a range of facial expressions as I kissed her arms and belly to keep her happy.

Camden walked in from the bathroom with her hair up in a strategically messy bun to leave her shoulders and back bare, and I noticed that she had put a bit of blush on her cheeks. Already, I was just looking at her like she was my wife. Not my girlfriend, not my fiancé, but my wife.

"You look really nice," I said.

"Oh," she laughed at her outfit, "it's just blazing hot out. I forgot what it was like to be somewhere that doesn't have any clouds in the sky."

Just as she started to feed Darcy with her baby blanket over her head, I stood to open the knock on the door. Our friends let themselves right in to ask what we were going to do, and Camden made her plan to have both pizza and pasta for dinner clear to all of them.

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