Chapter 34

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Harry: I'm about to leave the studio now

Harry: Are you hungry? Want me to pick something up on my way?

I read the two texts as I stood in my towel, feeling the ends of my hair dripping at my feet. They both came through eighteen minutes ago so he was probably already closer to my place by now, but the gesture was sweet.

Me: That's okay

Me: I brought home a burger from work but thank you for asking

Me: Also feel free to stop for food for yourself if you want to

I set my phone back on my bed to change into a pair of loose Adidas sweats and a tight long-sleeve shirt tucked in, gently squeezed the excess water out of my hair, and secured it up into a claw clip.

Before heading out into the kitchen, I tugged on a pair of socks and kicked the heater up by two degrees now that I was home to stay for the night. Just to save money, I tried to keep it cooler during the day when I was gone for so long anyway, but I'd go broke if I had to just to keep myself warm at night.

I had just barely sat down to open my to-go box when I heard Harry knock on the door. After he had given me a key to his place, I gave him one to mine, even if we rarely ever stayed here together. So, I was surprised that he didn't use it to let himself in, but I appreciated that he had the respect to knock when we weren't on the happiest of terms at the moment.

Leaving my box on the coffee table, I stood and dragged my feet across the floor to let him in. For some reason, as I opened the door, I was afraid that I was going to see him and not feel the same love for him that I did before. That shouldn't have been a fear of mine when I missed him so much, and it didn't matter anyway. I saw him, and my heart still shot down to my stomach.

"Hey," he removed one hand from his pocket to push his hair back.

"Hi," I stepped back to let him cross the threshold, closing the door as he stepped out of his boots. "How was the studio?"

He nodded, coughing once into his fist. "It was fine. We're finished with the album we were working on, so the artist is going to announce it in a couple of weeks and go off on tour a few months after that. So...yeah. Another one done."

"Oh, that's good," I led the way to the couch, "I'm sure it's nice to be finished."

"Yeah, he was kind of annoying to work with, so I'm not upset about it or anything."

"Mm," I brought the to-go box into my lap as I sat cross-legged on the couch, facing him. "You weren't hungry?"

"Oh, um," he glanced at my burger as I took a bite, "no, we had sort of an early dinner at the studio so I'm alright for now."

I nodded when my mouth was still full. "Sorry, I haven't eaten all day, so–"

"You don't have to apologize," he offered something of a laugh, but the atmosphere between us was just...awkward. I guess that was what we got for going almost three days without seeing each other for the first time in a long time.

"How was work?" He asked me in return. "Not quite as busy with the rain, I'm guessing?"

"Mhm," I stood to grab myself a paper towel for my hands. "Yeah, it was like the slowest I've ever seen it, but still busy enough that it's not like I was just standing around doing nothing–also, did you want a drink?"

"That, I will have," his laugh was more genuine that time, "but I can make it, you should sit and eat."

I gave him a small smile of appreciation as I took my seat again, watching him pour himself an easy whiskey coke. He asked me if I wanted one with the last half of the soda in the can, to which I nodded as I chewed on one side of my mouth.

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