Chapter 25

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When I woke to a clap of lightning, I was surprised to see Camden still knocked out cold in my bed beside me. Usually, I was the one who slept through a storm and she would lift my arm and put it around her until I woke up to actively hold her.

But now her lashes were fluttering as she breathed evenly and silently through her nose, the smallest pout on her lips. I tore my gaze from her to check the time on my phone resting on the nightstand. 9:27 am.

On her days off she preferred to sleep in as long as possible, and I didn't dare disturb her when I knew I was already on thin ice after last night. I was still frustrated that she somehow found me to blame for the dick who referred to her as server girl, but I guess I wasn't the most pleasant either when I gave her a hard time for giving me a hard time. I knew what I did wrong, I just didn't want to admit it.

What I could do, though, was make her breakfast in hopes that the act of kindness might put me back in her good graces by the time she woke up from a long sleep. As much as she didn't love the thunder and lightning, she did like the rain when she didn't have to go anywhere, so I guess I had that going in my favor as well.

Downstairs, I lit a fire under the mantlepiece to warm up the first floor and pulled open my fridge to gather the cartons of fruit, eggs, and bacon. I grabbed the pancake mix from the pantry and tried to still keep quiet as I pulled out a few bowls and whatever utensils I would need.

I hadn't even started mixing the pancake batter when I heard the stairs creak, and I whipped my head over to see Camden walking down in a pair of my own high white socks, and the sweatshirt I was wearing last night. She stopped to rub her eyes with her knuckles, then carried on with slumped shoulders.

"What are you doing?" She croaked out, followed by a yawn.

I placed the whisk back in the bowl. "Well, I was going to make you breakfast in bed. So why are you not in bed?"

She smiled a little, her blue eyes still full of sleep as she dragged her feet around the counter to slot herself into my side. "Well I heard the thunder, so I reached out for my boyfriend, but he was gone."

I turned with my arms around her neck and her hands on my waist, liking the way she called me her boyfriend just a little too much. "Sorry. I thought you were tired enough that you might sleep through it."

She shook her head before she turned it to rest her cheek on my bare chest, loosely hugging my waist in a pair of joggers. "Do you have anything to do today?"

"No," I pushed her bedhead hair away from her forehead as she looked up at me. "Why?"

"You think we can just stay here and watch movies and stuff?"

I started to smile at the way she felt the need to ask me, as if that might possibly not be okay. "Yeah, we can do that."

"Okay," she resumed her position with her cheek to my chest, reaching out for a couple of raspberries to pop in her mouth, then mumbled something incoherently.

"What on earth did you just say?"

She closed her eyes to laugh as she swallowed. "I'm gonna grab my cigarettes."

I shook my head to myself as her long legs carried her back to the staircase in my clothes, and started to slightly rush on getting breakfast finished in case the power might go out. We had the fire and all, but it was freezing enough outside that I'd rather not have that happen–especially when Camden was cold even in the summer here.

When she came back down the stairs with her cigarettes and lighter in hand, I watched with wide eyes as she made her way to the back door. I laughed and asked her if she was insane, making her jump as she turned around to look at me.

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