Chapter 16

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"What about her?"

I hiccuped with my straw up to my lips, following Harry's gaze to a blonde dancing with her two friends. That was the fourth woman with fake blonde hair that he had pointed out in the last hour, and at that point, I was wondering what the hell he was doing with me if he apparently had such a type.

"No, not her," I wrinkled my nose and drank more–much more than I needed to be drinking.

Seeing as I had worked the day shift and was supposed to close tomorrow, it was Harry's idea that we cross "threesome" off my kink list tonight. I was the first one to bring that up when we had that conversation forever ago, but I sort of thought we had an okay thing going with just the two of us lately. He was just so adamant about it that I just figured...what the hell, I guess.

"Okay, why don't you try and find someone then," he sighed, giving up as he sat back against the booth next to me.

"K," I leaned forward, trying to squint through the flashing club lights at any potential prospects.

Now that I knew he was only looking at blonde women, I found myself doing the same. My pride didn't want to pick one that I thought was prettier than me, but if she wasn't pretty at all, I had a feeling Harry would shut it down.

Then my eyes landed on a woman dancing in between two men, neither of which she seemed to be attached to. She wore a hot pink body con dress, her bleached blonde hair was slightly frizzy from the humidity inside, and from what I could see, her dark eye makeup was a bit smudged.

Before I opened my mouth to suggest her, I hesitated and asked myself if I really wanted to do the whole thing at all. If I was being completely honest, the thought of watching Harry fuck someone else really didn't sit well with me. It made my stomach hurt, and it almost made me want to cry. Almost.

But then if I didn't do it, he might wonder why and I couldn't have him thinking that I would be too jealous because if I was too jealous, that must mean I had feelings for him. And I didn't. I didn't have feelings for him. I had no feelings for him. There were no feelings involved. None. I was feelingless.

"What about the one in the hot pink dress?"

Harry perked up, leaning forward to see where I was pointing. "Sandwiched between the two guys?"


When he started to smile, I abandoned my straw altogether to gulp down the last of my straight whiskey on ice. "K, I'll be right back."

In his absence, I finished the drink he left and was tempted to ask the table next to me if I could have one of theirs. Instead, I watched Harry walk with all the confidence in the world right up to the frizzy blonde, feeling my heart beat in time with the heavy bass music.

Her smile never faltered for a second as he leaned in to speak closer to her, and the two guys just casually turned to part ways to find someone else to dance with. When Harry pointed me out to her, I felt like a fucking farm animal on show or something, and I hated the idea that she suddenly needed to approve of me.

In the end, she nodded and took Harry's hand to bring her back to our table. I sized her up and immediately started comparing myself to her in every single way possible. Her body had the curves that mine lacked, her skin was tan and dewy, her teeth looked whiter, which might have had something to do with the tan skin, and her lips were bigger.


"Ready?" Harry asked.

"Yup," I slid out of the booth to trail behind the two of them to the exit as if I was now the third in this situation.

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