Chapter 57

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Six Months Later

"Hey, H?"

I made some kind of sound of acknowledgment, but it was muffled by Darcy's hand trying to make its way into my mouth. As soon as I laughed, she gurgled out a little giggle and pinched at my bottom lip.

"What's going on in here?" Camden leaned against the doorway to the nursery, dressed in her workout ensemble of black leggings and a matching sports bra.

"Oh, we're just doing tummy time," I explained the obvious, as both me and Darcy laid on our stomachs.

"Mhm," she started to smirk with narrowed eyes, nodding slowly. "I saw that there's, milk in the eggs."

I scrunched my nose up at her in a wince. "The grocery store. I forgot."

"I figured as much," she chuckled, letting herself into the room to lie down on the floor with us. Darcy squealed in delight once she saw her, and ended up rolling over onto her side just to see her better.

"Hi, baby," Camden whispered, holding out her index finger for Darcy to take hold of. Naturally, it ended up in her mouth as a teething toy of sorts.

I thought that I loved seeing Camden the first night I met her, in tiny shorts and a cropped shirt. And I thought I loved seeing her in that dress that she wore on our first official date. And then I thought that I loved seeing her pregnant with a tiny bump, and with a big one.

But my favorite version of Camden, without a single doubt, was seeing her as a mother. When she would have Darcy resting on her hip while making coffee in the morning, or when I would hear her reading in an animated voice even if Darcy couldn't quite understand what she was saying. When she was breastfeeding, changing diapers, and putting on funny faces to make Darcy laugh. Those were my favorite looks of hers now.

"You know what's annoying?" She said.

"What?" My voice was strained as I forced myself to sit up.

"If this baby didn't come out of me, I would swear you either had her with someone who looked just like you, or you did it all by yourself."

I dropped my head back to laugh right before I fell on my hands and knees just to pepper kisses all over my mini-me's face. She looked like Camden when her eyes were still blue, but as they transformed into green and she started smiling with dimples, I had to admit she did look a lot like me.

"She got the dark eyebrows from you," I offered, "and her hair is more fine and straight like yours."

"Yeah, but look at her perfect face," she pouted and squished Darcy's cheeks together. "It's just like your perfect face."

I tried not to laugh at the way she muttered that last party bitterly, picking Darcy up as she stood to her feet. "So are we going to the store then?"

"Yeah, but I need to shower so you need to watch your perfect-faced daughter for ten more minutes," she smushed a kiss to Darcy's cheek before she handed her over to me.

"I can do that," I lifted her high above my head, then lowered her down to peck her lips as she grabbed hold of my face. "But you're still okay with watching her this afternoon, right? I'll only be gone for a few hours tops."

"That's fine, but you're making dinner!" She called out before she disappeared down the hall and into our bedroom.

While we waited for her to shower, I sat down in the reclining chair and picked up one of Darcy's rattling toys from the basket on the floor next to me, letting her take it from me so she could shake it around.

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