Chapter 46

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My phone buzzed twice on the mattress beside my head, right where I left it last night when I fell asleep talking to Harry on the phone. It took me a few tries to get my groggy eyes to stay open, but even catching a glimpse of his name on my screen made me smile.

Harry: Good morning

Harry: Miss you

Without anyone there to see, I let my smile grow until I had to cover my face and roll over as if I was still embarrassed about it. We had only been doing the long-distance thing for five days, but it was working out just fine. Communication was key, and we had figured out a way to do that even with an eight hour time difference. It wasn't ideal, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Me: I miss you too

Me: I hope you have a good day at the studio today...or, I guess tomorrow for you

Harry: Yeah, it's only a little past midnight here so I'm still up if you wanna talk

Harry: Or are you busy?

I laughed at the idea that I possibly could be busy. All I had been doing since I've come back to London is clean my apartment and start working on my physical health again, which I had abandoned for way too long before I went to see Harry.

Me: I'm not busy, let me just get my shit together first and I can call you when I get to the grocery store

Harry: Sounds good

I tossed my phone to the side to get up and use the bathroom. Knowing that I was supposed to start my period today, I found myself more relieved than ever that I was jobless, or at least jobless from Redwood. Serving while cramping was a nightmare.

But as I went to change the liner I slept with in preparation for this morning, it appeared to be clean and otherwise untouched. I paused for a moment, hesitantly wrapping it up to toss in the trash.

Before completing the rest of my morning routine, I spoke my own confusion under my breath and found my birth control pack on my nightstand. I double checked the day from the last pill I took, and I was completely on track without a single one missed.

"What the fuck," I glanced around the room as I tried to find an explanation, but then I figured it could have just been the stress of knowing I was running out of time to find a job, or maybe my body was still adjusting to the time difference from Los Angeles. That was possible...right? Besides, I had been late for my period a few times in my life. It's not like it was that far fetched for me.

But either way, I took my placebo pill like I would have normally and told myself that my body would catch on as I brushed my teeth and washed last night's skincare from my face. I changed into a pair of leggings and the matching top meant for working out, but if I decided to do a workout of some kind, it'd have to wait until after I finished at the store.

On the walk there, I made a list of the things I wanted and needed, trying to keep the "want" side more minimum than I otherwise would have usually done. I didn't really have the luxury of buying multiple pints of different flavored ice cream at the price they were, and I didn't need them either.

I had just stepped into the store, a bit damp with sweat from the humid weather, and paused the music in my headphones to call Harry. Hearing his voice directly in my ears like that offered me the same comfort it always did.

"How was the walk?" He asked.

"Not bad, it's just humid and gross today," I grabbed a basket rather than a cart, hoping that would help me from getting too much. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

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