Chapter 62

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It felt wrong to accept Anne's warm and ever-loving embrace after my argument with Harry, with my engagement ring tucked away in the pocket of my shorts. I didn't mean what I said about how us being engaged wasn't a good idea, but I felt like Harry and I needed to speak about the fight before we just smiled and let her congratulate us like everything was all rainbows and fucking butterflies.

Though, I will admit that the timing for me to make that decision on my own was poor. The first thing Harry did as he walked inside was checked my left hand before his eyes flashed up to mine like he understood the choice I made.

"She just gets more beautiful every time I see her, just like her mum," Anne winked at me as she held Darcy close to her chest.

"Oh, thank you," I forced something of a laugh as I rubbed the back of my neck, watching Harry drag our luggage up the stairs. "She's getting so big, it's insane."

"Isn't she?" Anne pouted. "They just grow so fast."

I smiled softly as Darcy reached her index finger out to touch her nan's bottom lip. Anne pretended like she was going to eat it, which made Darcy giggle as she kept it in place anyway.

"How was the drive then?" She asked me as Darcy rested her head on her shoulder.

"Not terrible," I lied straight through my teeth. "We had to stop like fifteen minutes away because she was hungry, but other than that...we had no issues."

Harry came down the stairs, and I was having a hard time keeping the eye contact he was persistent in giving me. He looked like he was so angry with me, rightfully so I guess, but at the same time I still felt as though I was allowed to be upset that he never even offered a half smile when I told him about the job. A congratulations would have been nice.

"She looks a lot like you, H," his mother said, smiling.

"Does she?" Harry acted like I didn't tell him that every day.

"She's got your green eyes, and your little dimples," her voice raised in pitch for that last word as she squeezed Darcy's cheeks. When she reached out for her dad, she reluctantly passed her along to turn her attention to me.

"Are you hungry, Cam? I can make you anything you'd like."

I was hungry, but I didn't feel like I deserved for Harry's mom to be making me something like I was royalty after what happened. "I'm okay for now, but thank you."

"She's hungry," Harry confirmed, and I thought he was referring to Darcy until I realized he was talking about me. "A sandwich will be good if you can."

"Of course," Anne laughed and said something about how I don't have to be afraid to tell her if I'm hungry, thirsty, or anything for that matter. I faked a laugh and habitually ran my thumb over where my engagement ring should be, dissatisfied with the feeling of my naked finger in its place.

While Harry stayed in the living room to bounce Darcy, I took a seat at the kitchen table and started to pick at my cuticles until my thumb started to bleed. I glanced at Anne while she made two sandwiches, one for me and one for Harry, I guess. I had to wonder if she suspected something was wrong between us. Maybe she did, but maybe she figured it wasn't her business.

"So what's new with you, Camden?" She set my plate down in front of me and told Harry to come and eat his at the table.

"Nothing really," I swallowed. "Darcy is pretty much a full-time job."

"Mm," she smiled fondly as Harry chose to stand to eat his sandwich rather than sit. He did that for Darcy's sake. "Are you still selling your drawings? I still love the picture you gave me of Harry and Gemma. It's framed right there by the bookshelf."

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