Chapter 12

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"So wait, where are you running off to again?" Harry asked, tugging his shirt back on over his head.

I groaned in disdain from my closet before I even answered him. "It's a long story."

He laughed as he secured his belt around his waist, raking his fingers through his hair as I emerged in a fitted white cotton dress. "How long could it be?"

Fidgeting with the straps, I said, "This girl that I work with, I guess it's her boyfriend's birthday but his family is super rich and 'posh', so she wants me to go to the party with her so she can feel less alone when he inevitably goes off to talk to all the guests."

"Huh," he nodded. "Well, you look hot. I like that dress."

The hem ended just at my mid-thigh, and the neckline was conservative with a straight cut line across my bust, but it was tight enough that I had to wonder if anyone would deem it inappropriate. Brooke said to be somewhat conservative.

I turned to my mirror to inspect myself. "Hot in a slutty way? Or hot in a classy way?"

"Um...will you kill me if I say both?" His quiet confession made me laugh as I peered over my shoulder to make sure the back wasn't too short after stepping into my higher heels.

"Doesn't matter anyway. I'm never gonna see any of these people again, so whatever." I glanced at my phone on my dresser as Brooke texted me to say she was outside my place.

I stuffed my phone, wallet, cigarettes, and keys into a smaller purse and slid on my usual rings from my catch-all dish. Fully dressed now, Harry followed me outside, waiting while I waved to Brooke and lifted my finger to ask for one more minute.

"I guess this is goodbye, then," he sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned against his car.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics and licked my thumb to smudge away the lipstick residue on his neck that he missed when cleaning up after we finished. "I work the day shift tomorrow so I'll be off around 5:00."

"Yeah, I'll probably be finished at the studio by 6:30 or seven," his gaze fell to the neckline of my dress.

"Alright, well just text me when you're done and you can come over after."

"K," he opened his door but still leaned in to kiss me before he mumbled a quiet "bye" against my lips.

I turned to see Brooke's jaw dropped as I let myself into her car. "What?"

"He's so fucking hot, swear to God."

I ignored the comment and adjusted my dress before securing my seatbelt. She had already seen and met Harry at Redwood whenever he came to hang out and wait for me to get off, and she had already expressed her disbelief at how attractive he was. I guess anyone with eyes would agree.

"So how bad is this going to be?" I asked.

Brooke hummed out a sigh in deliberation. "Well, you're probably going to get hit on by at least one of his friends or cousins and whatnot, and his mother is a nightmare straight from hell, but they're going to have a lot of fancy hors d'oeuvres, and they live in a mansion so that's nice, right?"

"Hm," I feigned enthusiasm the best I could, but it was weak and we both knew it. "Do they know that you work in a sports bar restaurant? Or pub, or whatever?"

"No," she scoffed like that was the most ridiculous idea to pose. "They think I'm a school teacher."

I made a face at her, rightfully so. A school teacher was quite the leap from bartender. "And you're lying to them because..."

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