Chapter 9

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Now, there was no way for me to be positive about this, but when I woke up in Camden's bed to see her in the same position she fell asleep in, I had to wonder if the woman was a robot, some sort of artificial intelligence. She was so still, and the only indication that she was even alive was her shoulder just barely rising and falling under the duvet.

I was still facing her, but I was now on my chest and the pillow I fell asleep holding was down closer by our feet. It was hard for me to tell what time it was with how dark her room still was from the dreary weather, and I felt groggy and disoriented in the best way as if maybe I slept for a little bit too long.

At the sound of distant thunder, I shifted to lay on my side, but at the same time I moved she rolled over onto her back with her head lulling to the side to face me. Her eyes were still closed as she inhaled a deep breath, clenching her jaw as she swallowed and relaxed again.

I wondered then, just how true it was that she never let anyone she fucked sleep in her bed with her, or if she was just trying to make me work for it. Either way, I felt somewhat smug laying there with her when really, I didn't have to try that hard in the first place. Sure, it took me a little over a month, but all I had to do was ask.

As I adjusted my head on my pillow, I watched her wrinkle her nose before she wiggled her hand out from under the duvet to scratch the tip of it. I tried not to laugh at how kiddish she looked when doing it as she smacked her lips just once and tilted her head slightly down.

"Cam?" I mumbled in a hoarse voice now that I was more sure she wasn't dead asleep anymore.

"Hm?" She kept her eyes closed and remained in the same position.

"Are you awake now?"


I smiled to myself as I lifted the sheets to move closer to her, sliding my hand up under her oversized shirt. She inhaled again, and I felt her heart start to beat faster with my fingers splayed out on her chest, even if she kept a neutral expression on her face. As she turned her face up to the ceiling, I pressed a kiss to the corner of her jaw, her cheek, and up to her mouth.

Lazily and slowly, she kissed me back and took hold of my wrist to guide it down to her underwear before I had the chance to do it myself. She bent her knees and dropped one down to the side to give me all the access I needed, parting her lips to deepen the kiss.

I kept my fingers moving leisurely, just grazing over the soft material of her underwear before pressing into her clit to rub a few circles there. She raised her hips with a sharper exhale until I cupped her with my whole hand, feeling her quiet hum vibrate on my lips.

This was why I hated the no-sleepover rule.

Her deep blue eyes finally opened when I pulled back just to climb on top of her, and she spread her legs to make room for me. She watched my lips part as she reached down to feel me over my briefs, making me shift a little higher over her so she didn't have to strain her arm so much.

I hung my head and breathed a bit heavier when she stroked me through the material and lifted her head off the pillow to splotch a wet kiss to the top of the butterfly tattoo on my chest. Her lips faltered over my skin as she stuffed her hand inside my briefs instead, touching me bare as she continued to kiss and suck on whatever part of my chest she could reach.

I planned to make this about her, but everything she was doing felt so good that I only found myself grinding slowly into her palm. It wasn't until she moaned that I realized she decided she could take care of herself, and I lowered my hips down to feel her hand beneath her underwear now.

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