Chapter 27

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"That's all you're bringing?"

Camden stopped in her entryway with just a rather small duffle bag over her shoulder. She looked at it, then back up at me. "Yeah, why?"

I shook my head, genuinely surprised. "I was expecting at least two suitcases for five days, but I guess I'm just used to traveling with Lucy and Molly."

"Oh," she chuckled, pushing her hair away from her face, "I mean, I think I have all the basics, and I don't have to wear a new pair of jeans every single day, so...yeah, I'm good."

"Great," I took the bag from her to slide over my arm, and she followed me outside.

While she locked up, I went ahead and placed her bag beside mine in the trunk, opening her door for her on my way around the hood to get myself in. If I was being honest, she did look a bit nervous as she climbed in with me, but I wasn't about to bring that up and psych her out even more.

"It's a three-and-a-half-hour drive, so I just need to fill up my car and I figured we could get some snacks and a couple of drinks to keep us going," I said.

"Yeah, that sounds good," she exhaled, buckling up beside me.

I took us to the petrol station closest to her place, handing her my second card to go inside and pick out whatever she wanted while I filled up. Watching her walk into the store, I took note of the two guys who were coming out and the way they made a second glance over their shoulders as she walked on in. Didn't love that.

Once my car was filled, I followed her in to see her arms were full of candy and crisps, trying to reach for the refrigerator door to get to the cokes. I laughed to myself, quickly walking over to help her free her hands a bit.

"So you bring a small bag of clothes for the trip, yet you wanna buy the entire store for a three-hour drive."

"I'm sorry," she whined with a little laugh. "I'm a stress eater."

"I'm happy to buy it all, but you don't need to be stressed," I tagged behind her up to the counter with two larger cokes in her hands for us.

"I know," she nodded like she was still trying to convince herself.

I guess I didn't blame her for being nervous, God knows I'd be scared shitless to meet her family if they were decent people, but in the back of my mind, I knew she was going to laugh about this later once she actually did meet my mum and sister. It was just unfortunate that I wouldn't be able to convince her of that until it happened.

"Got everything?" I asked as we settled back into the car.

"Mhm," she pulled her white knit jumper sleeves down past her wrists, shifting around to get more comfortable before I pulled the car forward.

With the music on her phone playing quietly through the dashboard, we drove in unintentional silence for almost the first hour. I was thinking about how the initial meeting was going to go, amongst random things like whether or not I wanted to hop on a new album offer in January, and I had a feeling Camden was thinking about how these next five days would be for her.

"So I have a question," she broke the silence first.


"It's random, but I remember you said that you've gone on a couple of tours in the States before."

I glanced at her, nodding. "I have, yeah."

"Do you think that's something you'll ever do again? Going on tour, I mean. Did you like it?"

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