Chapter 35

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"Close your eyes and open your mouth," Camden demanded as she settled herself down to straddle my waist, holding something behind her back.

"Where have you been?" I laughed, my voice still thick with sleep.

"C'mon, don't change the subject," she smiled back at me like a little kid, "close your eyes and open your mouth."

I was still half asleep as I folded my arms behind my head and hesitantly opened my mouth. She told me to open up wider, which only resulted in me shutting it again as I laughed. "I don't know if I like this."

"I promise it's good," she took a light grip on my jaw until I opened up again.

With my eyes closed, I felt something smudging on my top lip before I tasted chocolate and mint. Camden laughed as she used her finger to wipe off what I was pretty sure had to be frosting, and sure enough, I opened my eyes to see her holding a cupcake in one hand.

"So good, right? It's mint chocolate chip flavored because I know that's your favorite," she explained as I wet my lips and swallowed.

"You made that for me this morning?"

"Mhm," she had a bite for herself. "I made you a real cake version, but I had leftover batter so I just made a few cupcakes so you could try it."

I shook my head at her. "When did you have time to do that? Do I even have the ingredients to make a mint chocolate chip cake?"

"Nope," she chuckled with her mouth full. "After you passed out last night, I had Lucy come pick me up and take me to the store so I could get what I needed, and I set a quiet alarm for this morning to make sure I'd be able to surprise you with a little piece before tonight."

And there I was thinking I was thoughtful for her birthday, but I never thought to surprise her with a homemade cake version of her favorite ice cream flavor. "That was really nice of you."

She shrugged with a small, but proud little smile on her face. "It's your birthday. Wanted it to be special."

Mindful of the frosting and chocolate on three of her fingers on her right hand, I pulled her in by her left wrist until she was leaning over me. She kept her smile as she sucked the mess off of her thumb and middle finger, but left the index for me.

"We should probably shower, yeah?" She asked as she retracted her hand, but I just as quickly brought her down for a kiss. Even so, she tried to remind me that we were supposed to have brunch with Gemma and Michal.

"Don't we have more time?" I asked, holding her waist as she pushed herself up on my chest again.

"Not really," she reached over me to check the time on my phone. "We're supposed to meet them at noon and it's already 10:45."

"Well, maybe I don't wanna go anymore," I muttered as I sat up to hold her.

"Harry," she deadpanned, "they're making the 45-minute drive from their place to meet us at the restaurant. We can't just not show up."

I knew she was right about that, but I was suddenly regretting my agreement to have brunch and a party at Zayn and Lucy's later. Then again, the party wasn't just for my birthday, but instead doubled as a going away thing. I was supposed to leave for Los Angeles in just three days, and I still didn't quite know how to feel about that.

Camden didn't sound all that confident when I asked her about trying long-distance, and honestly? I wasn't over the moon about the idea either. We had been having a hard enough time lately while we saw each other constantly, that adding an ocean's worth of distance apart didn't really seem like the greatest thing we could have done to help our relationship.

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