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Faye returned later and still hadn’t found Powder’s body. Remix went out as well. Stone was slightly injured but Jagged would be out of commission for a very long time. That makes the only fully operating people on the crew being myself, Remix, Faye, Stone and Timber. Ruth and Mel hardly ever fought. When they did that is when you knew our resources were stretched thin. Jinx was still injured and Powder was most likely dead. 

That piece of knowledge hadn’t really sunk in yet. All we knew for certain was that we saw her one minute trying to catch her own blood and the next the only thing left was her own blood. Remix blamed herself because she left Powder’s side when the metal thing attacked Faye. Faye blamed herself because she thought Remix had Powder covered and that she could handle it. I blame myself because I’m the one that sent them out on that mission. Now my best assassin was most likely dead and one of my best fighters was injured to the point where he had to stay in bed. He hadn’t moved since Mel and Stone put him there. 

It was scary watching the team that you had worked so hard to build crumble before your eyes. It was even more scary not knowing how it was crumbling or why. We only had assumptions of who the metal monster was from. We didn’t know exactly why or exactly how the metal monster was built. We didn’t know if it was a robot or if there was a human in there. If there was a human in there I would assume there would need to be a place to breathe from or an oxygen tank. There was neither. I grabbed the container of rice and chicken and took it down to holding level 10. 

I opened the cell door and set the food inside along with two bottles of water and three granola bars. There was no telling if I would have time to come back down here anytime soon. I closed the cell door behind me.

“Did something happen?” Kal asked.

“No, nothing happened,” I replied.

“You have a new cut on your cheek and you’re favoring your left leg. What happened?” He asked.

“Some stupid metal monster attacked us and most likely killed one of the people I trust the most. Okay? Now shut up, I won’t have time to come down here a lot so I’ll turn the water on for showers at five in the morning. Make that food last for at least two days,” I told him, walking away down the hallway.

“Anyone you want me to kill?” He called after me.

“Me,” I called back. I went back up to level 162 and found Faye. 

“Any luck?” I asked.

“No, we checked every medical facility we could find in all the 19 sectors. We haven’t found her,” Faye replied.

“Alright, we need to focus on finding their store houses and their point of operations. Then if they took her we can find them and her,” I told Faye. Faye nodded and headed over to Mel and Ruth to help them with reading different sections of the book. Stone was out getting more medical supplies and Remix was still out there somewhere looking for Powder. I’ll go out tonight to look for her. Until then I need to keep people here calm. That’s what I always dreamed of. Keeping people calm while the few people I trust and care about get injured and picked off. I guess there are casualties that come with being the most wanted woman in all the sectors and leading the Silver Sun.


Author's Note:

Heyyyyy, how are y'all?

Question of the day: What is the thing you spend most of your time looking at?

I probably spend the majority of my time looking at a screen or out my window. I use my laptop and phone for a lot of things. And when I'm procrastinating I'm staring out my window.

Have a wonderful day, hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will do a double update!

-M <3 :)

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