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Now that Wren wasn’t doing well I was supposed to give the orders. I had sent out Powder and Stone to go through Kalani’s apartment. They hadn’t found anything useful but they had still brought everything they found back. Then Jagged ran in.

“White Rose guard in Rat Tail’s corner,” he panted, out of breath.

“I’ll handle it,” I stated, getting up, grabbing a gun and heading down. I headed down the dimly lit hallway and opened the marble counter. Then I cocked my gun and crouched, walking bent behind the bar. Once I was in the crowd I stood, pulling my hood over my head. There he was. The only distinguishing thing about him was the little camera on his jacket and the fact that his clothes and face were clean.

He started turning toward me and I raised my gun and shot him through the crowd. I had a silencer on so it was loud but it was still muffled a little because of the music and the crowd. One of the girls near the guard I had shot glanced at me and raised an eyebrow as if to ask ‘was that meant for me?’ I shook my head and she nodded, turning away. I went to the guard making sure my face was covered. I covered the camera with my hand and yanked it off his jacket. Then I grabbed a glass from the man to my right and dunked the camera in it. 

“Hey!” The man shouted. I rolled my eyes and shot him too. I turned to two lower Silver Sun members, snapped my fingers and pointed to the two bodies. They nodded and took care of it. I headed back up to level 162. 

“Jagged, I need you to send out three groups of five Silver Sun members. Just tell them to wreak havoc and try to get to the upper sectors. Remix, have you finished reprogramming the cameras?” I asked her.

“Almost, it’ll be done in around 15 minutes,” she replied. 

“Okay, Jagged, don’t send them out yet. I want to put the cameras on them and set it up so we can monitor their progress. Make sure the cameras are concealed though. We don’t want the Regnant to know we are using them or that we have our own,” I told him.

“Mel, could you work with Remix and try to make your own modified version of their cameras? I think they would be useful. Also I want 15 of those tracker chips put in the wrists of those 15 operatives,” I said. Mel nodded and started digging through a box to his left. Around 20 minutes later Remix was done and she and Jagged went down and put them in the operative’s wrists. Remix and Jagged returned and Remix and Mel started creating their own cameras that were more disguised and more functional. The elevator doors opened and Wren stepped out.

“How’s everything going?” She asked.

“It’s going well, we sent out 15 operatives to wreak havoc in the upper sectors and try to get to the higher sectors. We also modified some of the cameras so now we have the feed from them and the Regnant doesn’t. There isn’t a tracker in them anymore but we put trackers in the wrists of the operatives,” I reported. Wren nodded. 

“Has Kal said anything at all?” She asked.

“We haven’t been down there since you came down,” I replied.

“Then how is he supposed to give us information if no one is down there to receive it?” Wren asked.

“We are all busy with other things, not to mention you were sleeping,” I explained.

“Okay, I’m gonna grab some food and stuff and head down there to work in case he feels like talking,” Wren stated.

“But-” Mel started.

“I’m going down there, Mel. I’m fine now. Thank you for the food and pills and sleep. I’ll be productive and if I’m down there he might talk,” Wren cut Mel off. Mel sighed and nodded. He was like a dad to us. So was Stone but Stone was the dad you didn’t mess with that could snap you in half if he wanted to. Mel was the fit dad that you still didn’t want to mess with but you could because he didn’t like arguing. If something was insanely serious Mel would go beast mode and there was no getting past him. I went back to work as Wren got in the elevator. Life around here was either insanely boring or people were dying left and right.


Author's Note:

Soooo, what did y'all think?

I decided on double update days that I will give y'all a challenge on the double updates. :)
Of course you do not have to do them but I will because they will be fun.

Challenge of the double update day: Give someone random a complement today, if you are not going anywhere that you can do that just text someone a heart or dm someone and ask how they are doing.

I will let you know in the next chapter if I did any of these challenges.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you liked the chapter!

-M <3 :)

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