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Zosia commed me a message to come to work early so that she and I could talk in private. I have no idea what it is about. It could be about anything from Vita’s new assignment to the reason why we haven’t seen Alexis in two days. I opened the office door and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. Then I headed over to Zosia’s desk. She came in a little while later. 

“Alright, do you know what Alexis is doing and where she went? She’s been gone for multiple days,” Zosia stated. I shook my head.

“I don’t know anything more than you, I was called out of the office yesterday to help Jett and Roy move weapons shipments,” I replied. Zosia sure was suspicious. 

“Okay, could you let me know if you find any new information?” Zosia asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, you do the same, okay?” I asked. She hummed and sat down. I headed to my desk and then Quinn came in. He nodded to Zosia and I. When you came in early you won major brownie points with Quinn. He thought sleep was useless and only slept when he was absolutely forced to and could not function without sleeping. He was weird like that. If something wasn’t getting done then everyone that should have been getting things done were useless. I started a report. We were supposed to report what we had done in detail every other day. Every other day that we weren’t writing reports on what we did we were actually doing work. Life around here was boring.


Heeyyyyyyyyyy, how are y'all doing?

Question of the day: What are you looking forward to in the new year?

I am going to try this thing where at the end of every week I write down the best thing that happened and I put it in a jar. Then at the end of next year I will read about everything good that happened. I'm looking forward to starting that. I tried doing that at the beginning of this year but I didn't have anywhere to put the pieces of paper so all the papers went into a pile on my desk and then into thetrsh can. This time I DO have a jar though!!

Have a wonderful day, hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will do a double update!

-M <3 :)

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