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Wren turned around, setting her drink down. Callum stared back at me. I stood and stalked over to him, my hand slipping a dagger out of my pocket. I pushed Callum up against the wall and held my dagger there. 

“Heeyy, sis, what’s up?” Callum asked.

“Did you kill Powder?” Faye growled, pressing my blade into his neck. Then five clean people pushed their way into the bar. It was his guards. Of course. I forgot he was a pretty boy now that needed guards to protect him. One guard threw a dagger at me and another pulled out a gun and taser. Wren got up, bored and unholstered her gun, shooting four of the five guards in the head. The last guard ran. Wren nodded to me and sat back down, taking a sip of her drink. I cocked my head at Callum and he swallowed, causing the blade to pierce his skin. Scarlet liquid seeped over the blade. 

“Did you kill Powder?” I asked in a low voice.

“No, I didn’t that was Ishani’s new toy or whatever she calls it,” Callum replied.

“Hmm, okay. Tell me about this new toy,” I replied. 

“I don’t know anything about it, I just know it’s dangerous and it does anything and everything Ishani tells it without question,” Callum replied quickly.

“Thank you, you’ve been a huge help,” I thanked him. Then I ran my blade across his neck finishing the job. I searched him and found a picture of Kalani, a taser, a gun, a dagger, handcuffs, his comm and a couple mints. I grabbed his comm and weapons before sitting back down with Wren. 

“At least the Regnant lost a member now too,” I stated. Wren just hummed in response. She downed the last of her drink and got up. I downed my drink and followed her out the door.

We walked to the shuttle tracks and hopped on the train. We rode the train to sector 1 and then got off, heading into Rat Tail’s Corner. We went through the counter, down the hallway and into the elevator. We stepped out of the elevator on level 162 and Wren spoke.

“I’m letting Kal out. We lost Powder and we need all the advantages we can get. The Regnant is down one member. Callum paid us a visit whether that was intentional or not,” everyone was silent. Stone nodded and stood. 

“Fine, Kal can be released, but I’m going to be there when he is released,” Stone stated. Wren nodded and Stone and her went back to the elevator. I dropped Callum’s weapons in the weapon pile. It really needed to be sorted. Then I walked over to Remix’s desk.

“See if you can get anything off of here. It was Callum’s,” I told her. She nodded and took the comm, setting it on her desk and continuing to work. Now I really didn’t have anyone that shared the same blood as me. When Callum left he had exited my life and my family for all it mattered. I had known he was weak but I thought he would be strong enough to work in the capacity that I had had him working in. He had to go and do the “right thing” by joining the Regnant and helping them “restore peace.” All they were doing was giving the White Rose citizens gossip and making the Under City citizens anxious. They were doing a wonderful job at “restoring peace.” 


Author's Note:

Hiiii, what did y'all think?

Challenge of the double update day: Just do something out of your comfort zone today.

It could be anything from saying hi to a stranger to having a convo w/ a stranger. You know your comfort zones best.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed that chappy!

-M <3 :)

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