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Ruth’s vitals weren’t stable but there was nothing else we could do to help her except stay by her in case her vitals suddenly declined. That’s the worst feeling. Knowing there is something you could do to help but knowing that the only way you could help your friend is if they suddenly got worse. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. I sent Faye up to get Jett and Alexis. After what seemed like an eternity the elevator dinged and Faye stepped out, closely followed by Jett and Alexis. They could be a good addition to the team. If we still had a team. With Kal either captured, killed or abandoned and most of the others dead we didn’t have much to work with. Jett and Alexis glanced over at Ruth. I stood. 

“I need you both to start writing up files of anything and everything you know about the Regnant. How they operate, what their motives are, where their stores are, everything. If you leave anything out or fabricate anything and I find out? I will kill you without batting an eye. Are we clear?” I asked them. Jett and Alexis nodded. Faye took them upstairs to work and I stayed behind with Ruth and Mel. I wonder how we will get back on our feet. We currently have four Silver Sun members left in the inner circle plus Jett and Alexis that clearly want to join.

I don’t know how many members the Regnant lost. They lost at least three. That Vita girl, Alexis and Jett. Or they only lost one and Alexis and Jett are just spying. We have to take the risk though. Me, Faye and Mel are the only Silver Sun members that are functioning. Two people have to be by Ruth’s side at all times or else we lose another member. We can’t afford that. We need to come up with a plan. It all will depend on the information that Alexis and Jett give us. If they actually give us helpful information then we should be able to get back at the Regnant and get supplies. I’m hoping that Alexis and Jett know where the Regnant store houses are. If they do and they lie about it I’ll kill them. If they don’t and they’re not lying then we’ll need a new plan.

We need to take out their stores and then hit them harder. It would have been better if they had downloaded the files onto the thumb drives and then deleted them from the Regnant’s system. But beggars can’t be choosers. 


Author's Note:

Hellooooooo, how are you guys doing?

Challenge of the double update day: Eat something healthy today or take your vitamins or drink medicinal tea.

Have a wonderful day, hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll do a triple update cause those chappys were short.

-M <3 :)

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