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I had downed one person. On accident. It was embarrassing. I had accidentally downed a Silver Sun operative. Now I am running. I pushed past Silver Sun operatives and White Rose guards. Smoke filled my lungs as I broke free of the fighting and sprinted outside. Something crashed into me and I tumbled to the ground. It was a White Rose guard. I scrambled away from him but his eyes caught my Silver Sun tattoo on my left wrist. He pushed me back down and then he stopped. He stared at my left arm and then up at me.

“Kaz?” The White Rose guards asked. Something tickled in the back of my mind. I struggled and he let me up. I stared at him, frozen, waiting for him to pull out his gun. He didn’t. Then he pointed to my arm because I didn’t understand what he was saying. I glanced down and realized what he had been staring at. It wasn’t my Silver Sun tattoo he had been staring at. It was the other tattoos that I got some time before my mind was wiped clean. I had tattoos of vines wrapping around both my arms. There were little random objects and words and numbers tattooed among the vines on my right arm. Those vines went all the way up to my shoulder. The vines on my left arm however only went up past my elbow. Among them I had a name tattooed. “Ortiz.” I didn’t know what the name meant. I didn’t have any memories from before I joined the Silver Sun. I had one sliver of a memory of being branded with my own Phoenix necklace but that was it. Nothing else. 

I looked back up at the White Rose soldier and that’s when it clicked. He looked like me. Same wavy dark brown hair, same tan skin, same chocolate brown eyes. He could just be tan because he went to tanning salons but that didn’t seem likely in this situation. 

“Who are you?” I murmured, staring at him. A familiar smirk played on his lips. 

“I am Dracon Ortiz. Your brother.”


Author’s Note:

I'm cold. I want to take a nap.


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