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I stood there staring at her holding two blood soaked daggers in her hands and I realized something. I did belong to the Silver Sun. They were the better option. They were actually fighting for something. They were fighting for each other’s safety while the Regnant tried to destroy them. All the Regnant was trying to do was “make peace.” Then once peace was made they would find another problem and kill more people to fix that. The Silver Sun only killed the people they needed to. In this case, me. I decided at that moment, staring at Vita, that I would help them. I would help the Silver Sun get the plans of the Regnant. I just needed to protect her. Vita. She was probably the most fragile one in the room but she was also just trying to do the right thing. What she thought was right.

I dodged my way through the fights going on around me and grabbed Vita’s shoulder pushing her back into the elevator. The elevator doors shut behind us. Vita was frozen staring at my shoulder.

“Ishani sent me under cover. I was supposed to gather information about them and send it back here but then they launched a raid and I was ordered to come with because my cover was that I used to be a low ranking Regnant member. They are actually fighting for something Vita,” I told her. Vita remained still as I pushed the business level button. The elevator started up.

“They are fighting for each other’s safety. They don’t kill just because…” I trailed off.

“Well, they might, I don't know but I know that their reason for what they do is better than our reason. Don’t kill me, I’m telling you this so that you know why I’m actually joining the Silver Sun. Not to go undercover but to help them. Their cause is greater than ours,” I told her. There was a long silence filled with various screams and gunshots. Then the sounds dissipated as we reached the business level. Vita nodded. 

“What do you need? I doubt you have your security pass on you,” she stated, heading out of the elevator. I followed.

“We need the plans and building layout and pretty much anything we can get,” I replied. Vita nodded and slid her pass over the panel, opening the door. We both headed over to our desks. They hadn’t moved any of my things around. Vita tossed me two thumb drives and I plugged them both in, clicking on files and then dragging every file I had onto the thumb drive files. I moved over to Zosia’s desk, everyone had left in a hurry and not signed out of their computers. Vita tossed me two more thumb drives as she moved onto Roy’s computer. I plugged them both in and did the same thing that I had done with my computer. Then I moved onto Jett’s computer as the door busted open. Vita and I froze. Jett’s eyes fixated on my tattoo. He took a deep breath and then stated. 

“I trust what you’re doing. What’s the plan?” He asked. Vita and I unfroze and went back to work as I explained what was going on and what I was doing and why I was doing it. Jett nodded and started collecting the thumb drives that had finished downloading. Then he grabbed five thumb drives from Vita and loaded up data from Ishani’s computer. There were at least 20 thumb drives worth of information on her computer but we didn’t get them all done. We were downloading the last files onto the last 5 thumb drives when Ishani came in.

“What are you doing?” She asked in a low tone. Her eyes fixed on the tattoo. I unholstered my gun and shot her foot. She collapsed with a scream as Vita pulled the last five thumb drives out of her computer. We ran. Out of the office into the elevator. Jett took off his jacket and gave it to me, I put it on to cover my Silver Sun tattoo and then we walked out of the elevator into the fighting. Jett spun and shot someone, the close proximity splattered blood over his clothes. I turned and shot someone. All I know is that they were wearing a soldier’s uniform. The last I saw of Vita she was heading back into the elevator. But why?


Author's Note:

Hiiiiii, how are you all doing?

Challenge of the double update day: Try to start a new habit or try to get rid of a habit.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-M <3 :)

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