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Alexis pressed the button for the cells. We headed down in silence. I unholstered my gun from my thigh holster and exited the elevator. There were screams coming from the end of the first hallway. I headed that way while Alexis headed down the second hallway. It had been an hour there was no way Remix was still torturing Kal. I rounded the corner and found them. Remix was still torturing Kal. I unloaded three bullets into Remix’s side. She fell away from the cell as another scream erupted from the cell. 

“I found him,” I shouted to Alexis. Alexis dashed around the corner and caught up to me. We reached the cage and there he was. Kal. I kicked Remix and took the security pass for the cell from her. I opened the cell and tossed the metal rod out. It landed on Remix and she tried to scream but she was bleeding out too fast. I helped Kal to his feet as Alexis dug through her satchel she had broughten with. There was a salve in there. Alexis gently applied the salve to the blisters and cleaned up Kal as best she could while I held Kal up. I gave Kal my gun as I carried most of his weight to the elevator. We got on and headed back up to ground level. Alexis cleared a path around us. Then once everyone saw that she was clearing a path for me they parted easily. Even the White Rose Soldiers. 

I put Kal on a shuttle and then ordered Alexis to head back in to slaughter Ishani. I started the shuttle up and we headed through the sectors. When we got to sector 20 I ignored the guards reinforcements and plowed through them. That was my mistake. They had been yelling at me to stop. I didn’t listen. Then boom.


Author's Note:

Hellooooooo, how are y'all doing?

Question of the day: What have you done so far today?

I went to church, came home, took down Christmas lights from around my room, hung out with a friend, did leftover homework that is due tomorrow and now here I am!

Have a wonderful day, hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll do a double update maybe triple!

-M <3 :)

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