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Ishani and Roy had come back with blood on them. Now we knew that Kalani and the leader of the Silver Sun were working together. Or one of them was controlling the other. Most likely the leader of the Silver Sun was controlling Kalani. Kalani didn’t have practically an army backing him. All he had was an old lady in a book shop. We still hadn’t managed to arrest her. The last five guards we had sent to do so hadn’t returned. Instead their heads were mailed to us. That was probably the day I have laughed the most in a long time and vomited in a long time. Quinn had passed out when he opened the first box and then I started laughing, once I was done laughing I went over to see what made him pass out. It was just him and me in the office at that time. Everyone else was out doing something or heading to bed. Then I vomited on Quinn’s face and laughed then vomited and then Quinn woke up and passed out again once he found out what was on his face. 

Then Jett came back because he had forgotten something and cracked up. He didn’t vomit but he wiped most of it off of Quinn’s face so that he didn’t pass out the next time he woke up. When Quinn woke up he yelled at me and it got so bad to the point that I had a panic attack and Jett knocked Quinn out. Jett had taken Quinn to Quinn’s room and then came back. Made sure I was fine and then left. Jett is nice like that. If he sees someone uncomfy he will do what he can to make them feel comfy. Unless you’re Quinn. If you’re Quinn the most he will do is wipe a little vomit off of your face. Now Quinn was shouting at me again for not knowing Kalani and the Silver Sun leader were working together.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. There weren’t any signs. The only sign I guess was that we hadn’t sighted him for almost a week. But someone might not be sighted for a week for many different reasons. How could we know that Kalani and the Silver Sun were working together?” I asked. 


“Quinn, get down off your unicorn so I can slap you. You’re being a huge booty hole and you need to stop. Maybe Alexis would tell you more if you treated her like an equal. And also, Vita is in intel. Alexis is a jack of all trades,” Jett reprimanded Quinn.

“Good, so you’re saying that you believe me that Alexis knew?” Quinn asked Jett.

“No, I’m saying that for future reference. Also Vitaaa is in intel. You need to learn to listen. Now if you are going to yell at someone yell at the voices in your head that told you that outfit looked good this morning,” Jett stated walking away to his desk. I bit back a smirk.

“Get back to work, Alexis. If you don’t give me the answers I want next time there will be consequences. Are we clear?” Quinn asked me.

“Mhm,” I hummed, turning back to my computer.

“You look at me and acknowledge me when I am speaking,” Quinn demanded.

“Oh, sorry. I thought you wanted me to get back to work and get you information? Which do you want? Me to bow or your precious info?” I asked.


“Cool your panties princess!” Jett called from across the room. 

“YOU KNOW WHAT JETT-” Quinn started, turning and leaving me be, heading towards Jett’s desk. Normally I would try to save whoever it was that was being yelled at by Quinn but Jett liked it. He liked messing with Quinn and making Quinn even more mad. I didn’t get it. I don’t like it when I am annoyed and therefore I don’t want anyone else to be annoyed. 

Sure Quinn isn’t my favorite person in the world but he isn’t the worst. Take Kalani and the Silver Sun for instance. They kill because it’s fun. Because they are bored. They don’t think about the person’s family or how much harm it is causing the community. My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turned. It was Ishani. She motioned for me to follow her into her office, so I got up and did just that. 

“What would you think about going undercover and joining the Silver Sun to gain information?” Ishani asked once I had closed the door and sat down.

“Um, I don’t think I’m the right person to be doing that. I’d get found out very easily and you know I’m bad at keeping secrets,” I replied. What was she thinking? I could never blend in with them. Besides, if I did I would be in the lowest rank or the lowest person in whatever system they used. In my mind this was the worst possible idea anyone could ever have. But then again if Ishani thought it was a good plan and she didn’t say that it was a suicide mission then it might work if I stuck to the plan and acted like my life depended on it. If I did this my life would depend on it. 

“I know you’re not the greatest at keeping secrets so that is why you could say that you used to be a low rank member of the Regnant. That you saw something that the Regnant did that you did not agree with in any sense and so you dipped. That would probably be the best lie we could come up with. You don’t even need to get to the higher ranks. All you would need to do would be find out the leader’s name and find out the location of their point of operations. That shouldn’t be very hard. I don’t know if the leader’s name is given out freely though. If it was we could just torture a Silver Sun member for it. We can’t do that however, the hardest part will be getting the leader’s name. What do you think?” Ishani asked.

“I think it would work, if we stuck to your plan. I just need new clothes that aren’t fancy but fancy enough for them to buy that I was a low ranking member or the Regnant,” I replied.

“Alright, sounds good. I’ll get that stuff ready for you and then tomorrow we’ll send you out,” Ishani stated. I nodded, stood and left Ishani’s office, closing the door behind me. Then I went back over to my desk and switched gears, researching everything about the Under City. The laws and anything else that I would need to know before heading in there. Ishani hadn’t said it out loud but if I didn’t do a good job this was going to be a suicide mission. How fun.


Author's Note:

How are y'all doing?

Merry Christmas for those of you that are reading this when it is published!!

Question of the day: What is your favorite tradition you have and if you don't really have any traditions, what is a tradition you would like to start?

My favorite tradition is the sleepover that my family does with our cousins every Christmas eve.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-M <3 :)

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