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We walked outside and then ran to the shuttle train tracks, got on and sat down. Kal had said that he had dropped his satchels of stuff off in Rikki’s Closet in sector 14. There was a book inside one of them that was all about the Regnant according to him. He didn’t know what it all contained because he had just gotten it but he thought there might be something useful in it. We got off the train in sector 14 and walked through the back alleyways to Rikki’s closet. Kal wanted to go in the back and poke around but I said that wasn’t necessary and led us around front. Rikki has a clean slate with the Regnant but she is a double agent. If I give her too much info, she’ll spill it to the Regnant. If the Regnant gives her info she’ll spill it to us. The Regnant knows that we don’t fully trust her and she’s okay with that. We walk in the front door and the first thing I hear is, “we just closed, get out!”

“It’s me Rikki!” I called walking around the counter and heading toward the sound of her voice.

“Oh! Sweetie, sorry I didn’t know you were dropping in today. Oh dear those weren’t your satchels that I just sold were they?” Rikki asked.

“Depends, did the satchels have anything in them?” I asked.

“Yes, a well dressed man came by and said that his nephew had stashed his satchels in the back because it was a game they were playing,” Rikki replied.

“Ah, yeah. Those were his,” I replied motioning to Kal. Kal waved.

“You know what kid? I think I’ve seen you around here before,” Rikki spoke to Kal.

“Yeah, that was probably when I stashed my satchels here while running from a psycho with a knife,” Kal replied nonchalantly. 

“Oh dear, well the only thing I can tell you is that he left his receipt and his name is on his receipt,” Rikki informed us. I nodded.

“Thank you, you’ve helped a lot,” I thanked her. We left and the complaining started.

“You’ve helped a lot? Really Wren?” He complained.

“I have to be nice to her so that she doesn’t spill all of my secrets, plus she gave us the receipt,” I replied holding up the scrap of paper. 

“That’s probably a fake name,” Kal stated, glancing at the scrap. 

“It is. That or his mom must have really hated him,” I replied.

“We do however know he is either wearing gloves or hasn’t touched anything in the Undercity. Even then his gloves would be dirty,” I added.

“So all we need to do is find someone well dressed wearing fairly clean gloves,” Kal caught onto what I was saying. I nodded. We walked until we saw someone. He was standing in a ring of Regnant guards. 

“Stay here,” I told Kal. If the Regnant saw us together then they would be on higher alert. 

“But-” Kal protested.

“Stay,” I shot him a glare. He stayed as I pulled my switchblade from my jacket and my gun. I tossed Kal my jacket and then went around back. I got up on the roof and shot the first two guards in my range. Then I jumped down and spun, twisting my arm around so that his back was to me and my blade was to his throat. I slit his throat and then kicked the last guard in his special spot. I took my switchblade and pierced his stomach right under his ribcage. I dragged the blade through flesh until I had a deep slit from under his ribcage to his clavicle. I pulled my switchblade out of him and swiped the blade across my forearm, cleaning the blood off of it. I picked up my gun and then quickly found the cameras on the guards. I ripped them all off and tossed them in a puddle three feet away. There was a pop and a spark and then nothing. 

I grabbed the satchels from the one guard and then the guns from all four. Kal came out and grabbed the satchels from me. I grabbed their switchblades and daggers and we got back on the shuttle train. We reached the Sun and got off. Then I made Kal put his hood up when we went into the club. We walked behind the bar, into the kitchen, through the secret counter entrance and then down the hallway. We got on the elevator and went up to level 162. When we got out we dumped the things we had looted from the bodies on the planning table. 

“The guards now have slightly concealed cameras. Still insanely noticeable but not if you aren’t looking for them. They would have the disguise perfect if they had their guards put dirt on their clothes and face and hands,” I stated.

“Did you get this “information book”?” Jagged asked, putting air quotes around “information book.” I nodded. Then I turned to Kal.

“So as much as I know you cooperated and gave us info I’m gonna have to put you back in your cell before the others try to kill you. I don’t really want to have to clean up a dead body right now,” I told him. He nodded and went and changed back into his prisoner outfit. Stone gave him a pat down and then escorted Kal back to his cell. Once Kal was gone, Mel jumped up and came over. So did Ruth. They rummaged through the satchels until they pulled out a book with a really ratty cover. 

Ruth flipped through it while Mel went through the contents of the other satchels. The contents included ammunition, weapons, books, journals, food that had gone bad and a lot of random knick knacks. How fun, I left them to it and went to get food. Now that Mel had started making me eat I had remembered how good food could taste. I wanted more.


Author's Note:

Heeeellllllllllllllllloooooooooooo, how is everyone doing?

Question of the day: What is your favorite candy?

My favorite candy is probably Reeses.

Update on the challenges. I could not find a single sticky note when I went to put it on someone's desk.... so I didn't do that one. I did do that other two though. :)

Have a wonderful day and hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-M <3 :)

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