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“You did what?!” I shouted at Wren. Wren and Kalani had just gotten back. Neither of them were hurt or cut. Wren did have a little bruising on her knuckles from using some of the soldiers like a punching bag but nothing else. 

“I thought you said you were… You never said what you were going to do,” I stated as it dawned on me.

“Took you long enough,” Wren scoffed.

“Alright, I have had it up to here-” Wren cut me off.

“And I have had it up to here with you pretending like you run the show. I am the leader and I can do what I want. What Kal and I did surprised the Regnant. They didn’t see it coming and now they are down a good number of guards. Are we clear?” Wren spat.

“Crystal,” I replied walking away into the elevator. I left. If she wanted to do what she wanted then she could go kill herself for all I cared. Then again, I was the one that recruited her and gave her a job. Why hadn’t I thought of that while in the midst of the argument? Apparently my mind was against me too today. I, unlike Wren, was going to be smart. I would work on research and restocking weapons. 


Author's Note:

Hiiii, how are y'all?

Challenge of the double update day: If you think something negative today you have to list ten things that you like about life and the world.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed the chappy!

-M <3 :)

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