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We had been out of the cells for over a week now. Ishani didn’t exactly trust us but she wasn’t watching us 24 hours a day now. It was nice to not have a guard standing outside of the shower curtain while I showered. We had come up with multiple plans but none of them could be done right now because the majority of Ishani’s resources were going to keep the news and press occupied while rebuilding the palace wall and repairing the inside where the fight had taken place. 

The homeless people from the Under City had gotten very bold, entering the palace courtyard and begging there. They were killed on sight but then that caused more problems for Ishani. We hadn’t heard anything from the Silver Sun. Remix and I had gotten our Silver Sun tattoos covered up with another tattoo. Mine was harder to cover up because it covered my neck. We did it though. Apparently there is a professional tattoo artist that works for Ishani. That is for sure one of the things that I did not know about the Regnant and Ishani. I was currently heading down to try and extract information from Kalani when a guard stopped me.

“Sir, her highness requires your presence,” the guard stated. I nodded. Ishani had never called for me or Remix before. This had to be important. I got in the elevator and headed up to the business level. When I got there I headed down the hallway and opened the door that was cracked open. Remix and I didn’t have security clearance so if the door was closed we couldn’t get in. I headed into Ishani’s office.

“You called?” I asked.

“Yes, the assassin I sent out to find Roy and the others hasn’t found them. Well, he found them but then they got on a plane and vanished. I’m sending you out to find them. Alright?” Ishani asked.

“Uh, sorry. What?” I asked.

“You said in the profile you wrote about yourself while you were with the Silver Sun that you were an assassin. Correct?” Ishani asked.

“Yes,” I replied. 

“Good. Now I need you to go find Roy, Quinn, Zosia and Isolde. Kill them all or kill Quinn, Zosia and Isolde and bring Roy in for questioning. Are we clear?” Ishani asked. I nodded.

“Yes, but don’t I need security clearance to get outside of Ghai-Borya?” I asked.

“Yes. That is why I will send you out secretly. Get whatever you need to kill someone with, together and then come report back to me,” Ishani ordered. I nodded and then left.

I packed a bag with weapons, clothes, ammunition, food and money. Then I headed back up to Ishani’s office. I opened the door and she looked up.

“Do you have everything?” She asked. I nodded.

“Yes, but I might need more money for transportation, food and buying for ammunition once I’m outside the country,” I replied. Ishani nodded and dug through a satchel. She pulled out a coin bag and dropped it in my hand.

“If you cheat me I’ll send an assassin after you. Are we clear?” She asked. I nodded.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Good, let’s get going. Follow me,” Ishani ordered. She got up and headed out of the office. We ran into Remix and I told her what I was doing. We said goodbye and then I followed her into the elevator to the bottom floor. Then we took a side staircase that went even lower than the elevator. We reached a maintenance room and Ishani guided me around the equipment. We reached the end of the room and stopped. There was a cupboard with tools strewn across it. Ishani opened one of the larger cupboards and crawled in. I crawled in after her and then she turned on a flashlight. She crawled around me to close the cupboard and then she put the false back, back in place. She crawled back around me and led the way. We crawled on our hands and knees for about fifty yards. Then the small tunnel opened up to a big tunnel with a shuttle parked in it. Ishani got out of the small tunnel and headed over to the shuttle. She started it up and I got in. 

We rode in the shuttle for at least two hours. Then she stopped the shuttle and got out. It was a dead end. Just another small tunnel to crawl through. I got out and walked around the shuttle to Ishani. 

“So, where from here?” I asked. 

“Take that tunnel until it stops. I don’t remember exactly how long it is. Just that it’s long. You’ll get out of the tunnel in the country. Walk until you see a house. That’s your first landmark. Memorize the house. Heck take a picture of it with your comm. That’s how you’ll get back. Then from there walk five miles till you get to a gas station. You do know what a gas station is right?” Ishani asked.

“Yes, we’re advanced but not that advanced,” I replied. Ishani nodded.

“Ask if there is anyone that can take you to south central siberia. It will most likely be a semi truck. Pay whoever takes you there with this,” Ishani instructed. She handed me some papers.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Their currency. Ghai-Borya is different from the rest of the world. Our’s is more valuable so you’ll be able to use it everywhere else but you don’t want to use it to pay someone for a ride. Also don’t use a lot of it. Use it scattered with the paper money. Okay?” Ishani asked. I nodded. 

“You’re good to go then, don’t die and don’t disappoint me,” Ishani stated, waving as I headed toward the small tunnel.

“No promises on the not dying part,” I called back. Ishani chuckled as she started up the shuttle again and as I climbed into the tunnel. This would be a long crawl.


Author's Note:

Hellooooooooooooooooooo, how are y'all doing?

So I don't really have anything to say here except that me updating 4 times in 1 day is going to become more and more frequent.
I appologize if you do not like the notifications. :)

Have a wonderful day!

-M <3 :)

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