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I woke up in bed. That was the first sign that something was off. The last thing I remember was sitting down on the chair outside of Kal’s cell. Wait. Kal. Had he escaped and somehow knocked me out? No, I remember more than that. Kal had woken up and eaten the food. I had told him to chew quietly and he didn’t want to listen. Then I went into the cell and held a switchblade to his throat. That part was fun. Then he had pressed me up against him and said something stupid. Then I left the cell and sat back down on the chair and that’s the last thing I remember. 

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood. My head spun and I swayed on my feet, trying to keep myself from stumbling over. I ignored the glass of water on the nightstand and got dressed. Black tank top, black jeans shorts, black combat boots, black jacket and my thigh holster. I slipped the gun into place and grabbed a few switchblades from my dresser, slipping them into concealed pockets in my boots and jacket. I grabbed a couple pills from a jar and went to the kitchen. I grabbed bottled water from the fridge and took the pills. Then I went down to holding level 10. The first thing I heard was shouting. 

I walked past cell after cell until I came to the one in the center. Ruth, Jagged, Powder, Mel, Stone, Jinx, Remix, Timber and Faye were all gathered around the cell, shouting, arguing and pointing into the cell. Kal was in it thank goodness. He was looking around bored as some of them pointed at him or shouted at him. Then his eyes found mine. He rolled his eyes and mouthed, ‘help’. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.

“What’s going on here?” I asked. They couldn’t hear me over their own shouting. Kal stood and whistled. They stopped shouting and stared at him in a way that said ‘you sure have some audacity, I want to kill you right now.’

“What is going on here?” I asked again. They turned to me.

“Wren! When did you wake up?” Mel asked sidestepping Jagged to come to me. I held out my wrist and he took my pulse.

“I woke up like five minutes ago. What’s going on here?” I asked.

“I was living life peacefully and then Kal came in carrying you. You were unconscious and we couldn’t wake you up no matter what. We thought you were in a coma. We just couldn’t figure out why,” Jinx replied.

“I haven’t slept in seven days and haven’t eaten in two weeks,” I stated.

“Well, that explains it but that doesn’t explain how Kal got out of the cell,” Mel stated, taking a few pills from his pocket and handing them to me along with a bottle of water. I took them and nodded.

“He probably grabbed a key card when I went in and threatened him,” I answered their question.

“What have we told you about threatening dangerous people inside the cells?” Stone asked.

“Awww, you think I’m dangerous white-y?” Kal asked in a high-pitched voice.

“It’s Stone, crap head,” Stone spat back at him.

“I know what you’ve said dad, I wanted to get a point across and he’s too much of a softie anyways to hurt me,” I replied to Stone.

“I don’t care, stick a gun through the door next time,” Stone ordered.

“That’s what a coward would do, then would we get any information from our prisoners?” I asked.

“Well…” Stone trailed off.

“Right, well. Now that you have made your point let’s get you food and water and then you’re going back to bed,” Mel interjected, taking my shoulders and turning me around. I slipped under his arm and slipped through the others to the chair and grabbed my green blanket before slipping back through them to Mel again.

We went up to level 163 and Mel made me rest on the couch while he made food. I ate the food and immediately puked because I haven’t eaten anything in a while. Then he made me something else and I ate it slowly. It went down fine and Mel gave me more pills. I took them and then passed out on the couch.


Author's Note:

Helllloooooo, how are y'all?

I made a cake today in the microwave. No it was not a mug cake. It turned out better than the cakes I make in my oven. :)

Question of the day: What is your favorite thing about the Christmas season?

Mine is probably the excuse to make endless amounts of baked goods, drink hot cocoa and sit inside reading.

Hope you liked the chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day!

I'll do a double update cause this chappy felt short. :)

-M <3 :)

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