Chapter II: Becoming Unexpected Parents

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The group sat around in Dr. Saltzmans office. Josie holding onto the tiny infant as she gently rocked her unintentionally placing small kisses on her head when the little one would stir, while Hope carried the other young girl in her lap. She had her arms wrapped protectively around her, gently rubbing her thumb along the sleeping child's cheek. Hope Unaware of her own actions kept her eyes on Josie. She smiled when she heard the quiet subtle humming coming from her best friend.

"So let me get this straight. You were all by the docks and a gate opened up and they" he pointed to the two girls. "Came out of it?"

"Yeah, they just appeared out of nowhere. They were in a basket and we couldn't just leave them so..." Hope said.

The girl in hopes arms let out a quiet yawn and the rustling of movement. She sat up and looked around the room before her eyes settled up on Hope.

"Uh... hi" Hope dared a greeting as the young girls blurred eyes took the scene.


It was hard to tell if her message came across, but she should have understood the meaning of it, at least.


Hope shouldn't have worried. The girl's voice was halting, but it was clearly the simple English of a child.

"You can talk"

"Yes ma'am" she said politely with a cheeky smile.

Hope nodded distractedly, then turned around, looking for someone, anyone to step in. She was greeted with silent eyes from Josie, Lizzie, Alaric and Mg all urging her to continue.

A bit frustrated by This, Hope drummed up some more courage and turned back towards the basket girl.

"So, uh, what are you?"

"Me Kayley ibid..." she giggled.

"" Mumbles from both lizzie and Alaric could be heard.

"Like a last name, Kayley Ibid?" asked MG.

"Kayley, that's a cute name" Hope smiled. Hope looked at the girl, bright blue doe eyes and raven hair. She let out a tiny sneeze. She was tiny, but she was no more than 3 maybe 4 years old.

"So Kayley... where did you come from?"

"Mm. H...home?"

After a moment, she had responded with a question of her own, one patched together with a couple of indistict words.

"Um.. oh home? Well, yeah, I guess you did come from home.. but... like, where is your home?"

"New Born Beans" she said happily and excitedly.

"New... born beans...?" Hope tilted her head, the young girl imitating the gesture like a confused puppy.

"I think perhaps what she means is New Orleans. Maybe" Alaric tried to interpret baby lingo.

"That's whats I says. New leans"

"Do you have a mother or father?"

"Umm" Kayley shook her head, confused. Either she didn't know, or the words where to long for her.

"Well I mean.. uh, can you tell me about your mommy and daddy. Kayley?"

These were two lost children, who at least seemed human enough. It wasn't much of a leap to ask about her parents.

"Nooo daddy." She shook her head. "Mama Hope" she pointed to Hope, booping her nose.

Assuming the answer was anything but that, Hope immediately felt the eyes of everyone in the room fixed on her.

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