Chapter 23: The Pain In Your Memories

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Hope's P.O.V

Walking had never felt so long, yet so short at the same time. What felt like miles upon miles of walking would only be a short distance in such little time. In some way it felt like I was walking a treadmill. Walking around and nothing seemed to had change. Things weren't moving in a way that made me feel as though I was somewhere different but rather walking in circles.

Kayley was fast asleep in my arms, and I was solely focus on the world around me.

The sounds so loud, so vibrant but somehow bringing some form of peace and tranquility. It was dark yet looked as though it was just shaded areas in daylight. I guess the moonlight was just as bright as the sun tonight.

Still, my feet kept walking, moving forwards before turning left, or right every now and then. I didn't question where my feet were taking me, nor did I ever stop to wonder if I was going in the right direction. I was following my feet and thought of nothing except wondering if Josie had noticed we were gone or if I would be able to find the witch before time run out. But those thoughts would only last a fraction of the moment before I focused on my surroundings once more.

I had no choice in that matter anyways.

If my mind began to wonder off, then I would think about the dry itchiness of my throat. Never once did my veins disappear, nor did my fangs retract. I needed blood and my body was going to get it the first sign it got. It was already fully aware that Kayley was off limits. My hearing no longer heard her blood in her veins, nor did it hear her heartbeat. More like, it began to tune it out to the point where the sounds were replaced with something else. My wolf was keeping complete control on that matter, and my vampire side accepted it.

But I did try to focus on the sounds of the carnival. The families laughing and chit chatting, or the screams of both soft frights and joyfulness on rides. The games that would buzz with loud noises when a winner was announced. But nothing.

The witch really did block us off from society, really forcing us to fight. At least it was safe to say that we were their only targets and left the public out of it. Which I guess was decently nice of them.

I should have known that ken wouldn't keep his promise in giving us a week with the girls. Well, it was no matter since I never had the intention about letting him take them.

"M-Mo-mommy" Kayley said hoarse and weak, turning over on my shoulder. Her face pressed on my neck, and suddenly my body stopped. I was carrying her, my thin jacket covering her as my arms held around her. I couldn't feel it before because of it. But now it was unmistakable able.

My cold hands moved to her cheek, and then neck. Hot, really hot. She was sweating. I didn't know what to do. Leave my jacket around her and hope the excessive heat breaks the fever? Take her out of the jacket and hope the night air cools her off?

I can't do either. Not when the sounds of twigs breaking, and gravel shuffling about began to fill my ears. Someone was coming and I wasn't prepared to attack. I moved away from the open.

I hated this about myself. When I was caught off guard, I seemed to lose all ability to act or process what was going on around me.

My eyes spot a hollow in the tree, a hole the perfect size to hide Kayley in. I set Kayley down, still sleeping, and covered her up more.

"Ma-ma" she said, voice barely loud enough for me to hear. "Don't... leave me" Kayley's eyes were still closed shutting a little tighter possibly talking in her sleep again. She looked hurt. Her lip quivered as if she were to cry any minute now.

The future must have been hard on her.

Oh, my love, you've been through so much, recently. Hurt and betrayed. So twisted up inside and yet you're still full of love. But fear has moved in where trust should be. I know that feeling all too well. More than you know.

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