Chapter IV: Let's Try... Together

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Hope watched as Josie and Kayley walked back towards the school, hand and hand, laughing and talking. A breath of relief left Hope's lips and she felt as if she could breath once more. This was a new feeling in hope. She never once felt like she was suffocating, panicking over someone that wasn't, well Josie.

When Kayley's eyes landed onto Hope she quickly let go of Josie's hand and ran full sprint, then jumping into the older Mikaelson's arms. Hope caught her daughter gracefully, tossing her into the air just a bit, and catching her, holding her tight as she placed kissed all over the young girl. Her giggles filled the halls where they were standing. Hope didn't know why she did that, and for a moment swore it was like something possessed her body. Her movement coming in swift motions like she had been doing it for so long.

"You found her" Hope said, smiling as Josie walked closer to her.

"Yeah she somehow made her way towards the party" Josie said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Sorry, I know I should of been watching her but I was so tired and I fell asleep and--"

"No, its okay. I should of helped you, instead of leaving you alone to handle both girls" Josie let out a soft sigh looking down onto the ground. She felt guilty. She knew she had a responsibility to take care of the girls, but her focus was on breaking things off with finch that she lost track of what was important.

"Mama, someone hurt mommy" Kayley quickly said remembering the small incident ready to tattle to her mama. If anyone can handle the situation Kayley knew hope was the one to ask.

"Wha--who!" Hope said, a growl escaping her lips as her eyes turned golden.


"That weird lady with the stupid hair" Kayley answered

"Kayley don't say bad words" Josie scolded.

"Finch" Hope said through gritted teeth.

"That stupid lady"

"Kayley what did I say about using bad words"

"You not said what word mommy" Kayley shrugged, causing hope to relax. She chuckled at the playfulness and innocence of the young girl. But that small window of peacefulness was quickly shut when she saw the small mark on Josie's cheek. Hope reached for her, but Josie grabbed her hand, just like she did with Kayley. She held it tightly.

"I'm okay, really" Josie gave a soft smile.

"Yeah, I made hair lady go night night" Kaylay said. Hope raised a brow looking at Josie. Josie walked towards the stair case sitting down. Since everyone was at the party, it was nice to just sit idly and not have to worry about anyone roaming around.

"What happened?" Hope asked sitting next to the young girl. She placed Kayley on her lap as one arm wrapped around Josie while the other held her daughter.

"I broke up with finch" Josie let out a laugh, though there where no humor in her words. "She didn't take it well and well..." she pointed to her cheek.

"Im going to kill her" Hope said about to stand up, but Josie quickly grabbed her by the arm pulling her back down.

"Kayley already took care of that" Josie smiled, poking the little girl on her tummy. Kayley snuggled into hopes chest as a small blush appeared on her little cheeks.

"Kayley killed finch" Hope said in both shock and excitement looking at the 4 year old with a proud smile. She raised her hand a bit, Kayley quickly realizing it to be a sign of a high five and slammed her hand against Hopes. Josie playfully rolled her eyes watching the small interaction.

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