Chapter XVIII: Don't Let Me Show Evil

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Hope's P.O.V

I finished strapping Andrea into her car seat as Josie did the same to kayley. Both girls still sleeping, which I was thankful for. It was much easier this way. 

I could see the nervousness around Josie, her hands shaking as well has her breathing. I kiss Andrea on her forehead before moving back and closing the door. I walked over to the other side pulling Josie away. She needed to calm herself or she wouldn't be able to control herself around Lizzie or the girls until I was done dealing with Alaric. 

Her veins appeared once more. I pinned her to the driver side door. 

"Feed off me" I tell her. 

"No I"

"I not asking you Josie I am telling you. You need to feed. Even just a little will help you until I get back"

Josie couldn't argue no matter how much she tried. She was going to be stuck in the car with lizzie and the girls until we arrive in New Orleans. But right now she has to wait for me to finish my little job. 

She removed the hair away from my neck. This time she didn't hesitate as I felt her fangs pierce right through my skin and into my muscle. Then she began to suck on the wound. I knew she was taking blood away from me, but somehow it felt really good. I held her waister tighter, pressing her more into the car. 

This time I didn't have to tell Josie to stop. She pulled herself away, licking the excess blood from her lips. She did the same to my neck watching as the small puncture wounds healed right up. 

"See, I knew you could do it" I gave her a smile. I kissed her lips quickly. I would have held my kiss a little longer but lizzie was already bolting out the door. She had a small bag she insisted on taking. "Remember the plan." I ask Josie. 

"Take the car, drive into town and wait for you by the clock tower" Josie repeated the plan we had gone over a hundred times. She hated the plan, hated that I had to be the one to do the dirty work. But I rather have lizzie hate me then Josie. I gave her one last kiss before opening the driver door. Josie got in and then I closed the door. 

Stepping off to the side, I gave Josie the go ahead to start driving. And when the car started to drive down the long drive way, I knew it was time. 

I'll be honest I wasn't mentally prepared. I didn't know how this interaction would go. But it had to be done. 

The first person I was going to kill was going to be Alaric. He was an easy target, with him being a simple human. He wont be a challenge for me, but Landon. He was a phoenix after all. I had to use the golden arrow, but even then his room mate was Rafael, was a werewolf. And if he's with finch plotting, that 2 wolves and a fire chicken, verses... well me. 

Alaric was a jerk, and Landon was even worse. He was a bitch. I was filled with a burning hatred, and it ran powerfully through my body.



I walked back into the school and made my way outside Alarics office. But when I got there to my surprise there were voice. Familiar ones to those I hoped would run into later on. Landon, and finch. 

At first the voices were soft mumbles but the closer I got the clearer the conversation became. They were taking about my girls and how they could be monsters of malivore. Alaric never once defended them, but instead agreed with their theory. And then I heard it. The slander, of my daughters. The--

"bastard children must die. Who knows the dangers they would bring to this world." Alaric said. "I can't even bring myself to look at such disgusting creatures." he sneered. 

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