Chapter VIII: Her Touch

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Josie's P.O.V

I walked out of the classroom and honestly it was more easier said then done. Apparently rumors ran rapid around the school spreading like wide fire. I heard the whispers of students talking about the possibility of hope and I having a secret relationship and were using both finch and Landon for cover. 

The only thing I could do was ignore them. At least now it would be easier to have the girls around. Especially since dad said Kayley could attend class with us if she promises to behave and not distract the lessons. Which she seemed to be doing just fine. 

For 3 periods she had done nothing but draw or watch movies on my phone with the headphones on. She was quiet, and quite often I would forget she was in class. It wouldn't be until I looked down and saw her making an expression to conceal her emotions on the more dramatic parts of her movie. I think that was the funniest and cutest thing i've ever seen. Trying to keep her squealing and laughs inside while watching both frozen movies. Her arms flapping, covering her mouth as soft gasped escaped. 

But Hope had been a zombie since we left her room. It was like she was in autopilot the entire time, just going to class and staring off into space. I doubt she even knew what we learned in class. Can't blame her actually. There were times where my mind would also put me in a dark place. So lost in thought, but still. 

I wonder what is going on inside her head. 

I doubt it's having seconds thoughts about the girls. I mean, the way she looks at them, like they are the best thing in the world. A look of nothing but love and bliss. 

Maybe she's worried about us in the future. I know I am. Im terrified. And every time I look at the girls I wonder if we, (our future selves) would really return for them. 

I took a breath, trying to shake those thoughts away.

I walk into my dad's office and see him at his desk. He seems to be lost in his paper work. 

"Hi dad" I softly knock on the door, pulling him out of the paper trance. 

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" he smiled looking up at me. 

"I'm just here to take Andrea. Hope is feeling pretty tried and thought I should give you a break and let her take over." I said walking inside. I look towards the side seeing the play-pin in the corner of the room. Walking over, I take a look and see her wide away staring up at the ceiling. "Dad you can't leave her alone in the play pin, it's not safe for her" I scold him, taking Andrea into my arms. 

"Im sorry Josie, really but i've been slammed with new student applications, paperwork and she was sleeping" he said. I look at him giving him a sympathetic smile. I know I shouldn't be mad, and I know he didn't mean too, but there was nothing else he could do. Plus technically he wasn't responsible for the girls. That was now mine and hopes job.

I gave him a small nod before walking out of the office. It was then when Andrea began to cry.  "Well someone's hungry."

Once I enter Hope's bedroom I see her sleeping on the bed. Letting her sleep I walk towards the mini fridge and pulled out a bottle and give it to Andrea. 

"Josie" I hear Hope mumble. She turned her head, facing me but not once did she get out of bed. It was like she had no energy to even move a muscle. Like turning just her head was difficult. 

"Hope are you okay?" I ask.

"You keep saying" she takes a breath. "I'm fine" she smiled, her eyes barley staying open. "Just very tired"

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