Chapter 25: How Can You Still Smile?

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Hope's P.O.V

There was that familiar sound of laughter, and soft whispers. My eyes slowly began to open, seeing the small flames in front of me dancing softly into the night air. Small sparks of ash flew up and others, when the wood began to break popped away from the fire pit and onto the dirt.

I kept my breathing steady, letting myself enjoy my comfortable position right next to Josie. So comfortable, so warm that my eyes wanted to close once more falling back into that deep sleep I found myself in.

But I stayed awake, continuing to hear josie talking. Her voice soft whispers but often it would go up a little higher getting more excited in her story, so lost in it. The changes in her voice as she talked for different characters, going deep for the scary monsters and higher for the others.

Then a few giggles escaped. Two beautiful sounds. Then the sounds shushing and cackling.

"Shh, you don't want to wake up mama or sissy" Josie said trying to contain her laugh. "They're sleeping"

"Buts the story is funny" Kayley whispered back. "Tell it again, please" she said extending the would please. I didn't have to look at the little girl to know she was doing her pout.

"How about you get some more sleep" Josie said. "I'll wake you up when it's morning"

Morning? Just what time is it. The sky was still dark and the moon was still shining bright in the sky.

I glance my eyes at Josie's watch. 2:45 am. So I have been asleep for a good while. But I'm still feeling tired.

I didn't here any protest from Kayley, only the few shuffles here and there, before Josie led out a long breath. I wonder if she was just as tired. Maybe I could keep watch for a while and let her get some sleep and—

"Hope" Josie says. "I know you're awake"

Well no use in playing now. I lifted my head off her shoulder and sat back against the tree. My body felt so numb and heavy. So tired, but I didn't show it. Last thing I wanted was Josie to worry.

"Guess I cant put anything past you" I let out a small laugh moving forward and turned my body around just a bit so I could be in front of her. Andrea was sleeping on Josie's chest and Kayley was laid on Josie's side, head resting on her lap. Both looked so peaceful.

My hand reached for Kayley, just inches away from her face. I wanted to pinch her cheek, tap her nose. But I couldn't. My hand dropped landing on Josie's leg. My thumb caressing her exposed calf. I was kinda happy she was wearing those cute black shorts.

"There's... uh—can I ask. Why did your dad try to kill you?" I blurt out. I shut my eyes tightly, bringing my hand to my forehead. Seriously, Hope, out off all the things I could be talking to Josie about right now thats not one of them. I already know why, it's because her dad is an asshole who hates Mikaelson's.

"Woah there" she chuckles. "You need to get to second base before asking me that question" she says, voice extra raspy from sleepiness. I raised a brow.

"Baby I already fucked you" I scoffed.

"You wanna fuck me... again" she wiggled her eyebrows up and down and I rolled my eyes. She's such a child when she's tired. And possibly horny. I have to remember to fix that when we get home.

But still, her eyes never once met mine still lost in the flames in front of us. I turned my head, feeling the light wind blow the heat into me.

"The day you came to the boarding school my dad told Lizzie and I to stay away from you because you were different" Josie began to mutter, talking directly to the flames. She turned her head looking at me once before they moved away. "Said that we could end up getting hurt... or worse. I didn't care what he had to say so I began to talk to you, wanting to be your friend"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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