Chapter XIV: Full of Aching

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3rd person P.O.V

Kayley watch as her mother began to walk with the girl she hated the most. It made her mad that Josie had left just because the wolf girl wanted to talk to her. Mad that she would even give her another chance to say whatever she wanted. Especially after what happened at the party, that night. It made kayley's blood boil as her eyes began to glow gold. 

Kayley took a breath, looking down onto her watermelon and took a bite, trying hard not to let her aunt lizzie see the change. 


Kayley Olivia Mikaelson remembered very clearly the moment she became aware of exactly what she was. It was raining that day. Kayley had only just turned four, and the rain-- so heavy she had trouble opening her eyes under its weight--beating down mercilessly on her tiny body. Standing beside her, her grandfather offered nothing in the way of sympathy or support. And kayley herself didn't wish for any. 

"Remember this is a battlefield." Her grandfather's powerful words pushed through the roar of the rain to pierce Kayley's heart. 


Not a word for a four-year-old girl to fix in her memory. To say less of the scene that lay before her at the moment. Nothing remotely fit for a child's eyes. 

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies....

Mountains of dead bodies as far as the eye could see. And not a single one at peace. The corspes had stiffened, with faces twisted in agony. 

"This is what a mikaelson does. You are a Mikaelson and in a few years maybe you'll be the one throwing bodies on the floor like rag dolls, like some monster. The war might end but the reality of a mikaelson does not. 

Her grandfather's callous voice filling her ears, Kayley stood still and endured. If she relaxed her control, the tears would come spilling out. 

It wasn't what she was scared of. It wasn't that she was sad. An emotion she couldn't put into words surged within her. She didn't understand why, but she felt such a tightness in her chest, she could hardly stand it. 

Soaking wet in the rain. Her grandfather probably wouldn't notice if she cried. Still, Kayley didn't want to. She felt that if she cried here she might lose something critical to her life as a mikaelson heir. So she desperately tightened her control over herself.

But the tears came naturally spilling out. 

Not one among them had wished for death. And yet they had all died. Why? Because of the war with malivore. A monster kayley had only heard about. A monster that had long ago been killed by her own mother was now back stronger than ever. So much so there was a new war. Not a war with countries or within its own state but a war of only supernaturals. Where the innocent get caught in the cross fire, and if not dead they are turned to do either sides bidding. 

"Grandfather" Kayley heard her own voice. And then, for the first time she realized she was shaking. It wasn't the chill of the rain. It wasn't a fear of the corpses. Rage made kayley shake. "why did you bring me here..."

Her grandfather was silent for a while at the question from his eldest granddaughter, and then he began to respond as if choosing his words carefully. "You are a clever girl"

Eyes still turned towards the corpses, kayley waited for her grandfather to continue. She felt a warmth on the top of her head. The palm of her grandfathers hand. 

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