Chapter XI: The Promise

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Hope's P.O.V

Josie took a few steps back until she was right next to me. I saw her hold on Kayley tighten just a bit, just as mine did to Andrea. I tried to flash an easy smile, but made sure to keep my family behind me. 

I handed Andrea to Freya just in case. I felt my wolf going crazy, and I didn't want to make things physical. 

"Who are you?" I say. 

"It'd would be a huge win-win for all of us if we can talk this out, so hopefully we can avoid any sticking points and stuff like that, maybe." he slowly raise his hands in defense. Next to him was Landon as well as a few members of the wolf pack. I knew them to be part of Her pack. 

The air inside my dorm room was stifling. It was more so because the the population in here made the temperature in the room skyrocket. There were after all at least 10 people in a hundred-square foot room. though technically both Andrea and Kayley made one person given how small they were. 

"Balavor" Kayley says pointing up at the group. 

"Actually my name is Ken..." He said with a smile. His magical energy felt off for the weirdly intense man, one I would have loved to punch right now, seemed to be the leader of the uninvited guests. 

He had blond hair slick back nicely, as well as a beard that was well trimmed. But for some reason his eyes held no apparent concern or anxiety over anything. His upper body was easily as long as uncle Elijahs, though and the bulging muscles made him look like a professional wrestler. He wore some type of golden armor. Kinda flashy for him.

Even though he didn't seem as intimidating, the others were begging for me to kill them. Especially Landon who had the words shit eating grin on his face. However the others, one was holding a ridiculously ornate longsword to lizzie's throat, while the other three stood guard outside. 

"Still doesn't answer who the H-E double fuck are you" lizzie said arms crossed somehow unfazed by the threat. "What do you want?" 

"Well" his arm lifted from his side, pointing between Andrea and Kayley.  She was quick to wiggle out of Josie's arms and run behind Freya, hiding  behind her legs. "That girl hiding behind her, and the one she's holding for starter. And, ohh if you don't mind me being totally greedy, to kill the tribrid. Also, we ate the pizza Elizabeth seemed or have ordered. Sorry" he laughed. 

"You order that now? Now, of all fucking times?" I snap my head towards lizzie who only rolled her eyes. That was until my eyes changed gold and saw her shudder. That's what I thought. 

"Oh, stop getting your whiskers in a bunch, wolfie. We'll pay for it later," Ken shuggred his shoulders. 

"That's not what I'm worried about! Well okay I am but still"

"Hope" Josie slapped my shoulders. What im pretty hungry, and now I was kinda looking forward to that pizza. 

"Oh wait, wait how about this, give us the girls, or you'll never see your precious pizza money again" he laughed as though he just stumbled upon the greatest negotiation tactic ever. Very proud of himself. 

"What kind of parent would give up her daughters to a bunch of kidnappers to get out of a pizza tab?!" Josie shouted. Anger now filling her eyes. "Besides, aren't you guys kind of late? How many days did you think they've been here with us?"

"Hey, now maybe it was a few days to you, but we've been searching forever by this point. Ever! So cut me a little slack if we were of a tad late. I mean, when I was about to take those girl, right after only for you to take her from me then-- oh"

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