Chapter VI: Team Mikaelson

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Hope's P.O.V

It was like a force had slammed my body onto something hard and knocked out the air from my lungs and crushed every bone, my body squeezing the life out of me. I was trying to cough out whatever remaining air was in my lungs and try to get my body to function. But the pain was something I haven't felt. For a moment I thought I had gone paralyzed, but when I managed to roll over, I was happy there was no real damage.

Slowly I begin to get up. I can see lizzie holding Andrea tightly as she begins to cry loud; it hurts my ear, and I can see Jed is also feeling the effect of that high pitch sound.

But Kayley is no longer in the room.

Now it was adrenaline that took over my body making it much easier to get up and start to look for her.

A thousand thoughts ran through my head. A million scenarios fighting one another for the best and worst situation I had found myself in.

"Hope" I hear Josie say, still trying to regain her energy to stand up. Landon is knocked out, but then again that hole in the wall where he now laid told me enough to know he got the worse of the impact. "Where's Kayley" she said looking between her sister and me. "What did you say to her!" She shouted.

"I didn't say anything. I asked if she wanted to play a game of hide and seek and she freaked" I tell her truthfully. Andrea's cries are becoming louder, more painful to my ears and chest and I really don't know if I should try and comfort her or look for my other child.

"Go look for her!" Josie shouts, now back to her feet she struggles to walk a couple of steps but once she regains her balance she runs towards lizzie, taking Andrea into her arms. Josie hugs her, bouncing her gently while whispering comforting words to her. Slowly her cry begins to die down. "GO!" she nearly shouts but holds back as to not make Andrea cry any more.

I snap out of my trance. "Let's go Jed. Track her scent" I tell him. He gives me a nod, his eyes turning gold. "You search the school. I'll go outside" I instruct and quickly Jed leaves the common room and begins his search. "MG, Kaleb help Jed search the school." I tell them.

I quickly walk out of the school, raise my nose into the air. The scent is strong and fresh and its only amplified due to the coming of rain. Perfect. I ran out and begin tracking.

At first the scent takes me to the docks, where just only yesterday the girls had magically appeared. But Kayley wasn't there. I look up searching the trees, thinking maybe she used some spell to climb her way up, continuing to search.

My heart is beating so fast I can't focus on hearing anything else. I really need to calm down. Worrying and freaking out will only cause me to lose any clues or miss any scent or sounds. I just need a minute.

All I said to Kayley was if she wanted to play hide and seek. The letter said she liked to play that game. So why did she suddenly freak like she was being attack.

"Seriously future self. You couldn't have been more specific." I shout to no one in particular. Angry by my lack of knowledge I kicked a rock sending it flying into the woods.

I sniff the air a bit more, but nothing. Any trace of her is gone, but I can still smell her on my clothes, I smell her on Josie and the super squad. But nowhere else.

"Did she seriously cast a spell to lose her scent" I said a bit proudly. But then that smile I had felt on my lip faded. If she made it so she wouldn't be track, something serious must of happen to teach her such spell.

Josie said Kayley send finch flying and set her arm on fire. She threw a book a Landon breaking his nose then send him flying and now she sends Josie Landon and I into the wall. Strong spells for such a little girl. A lot of them are defensive spells, too.

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