Chapter 15: The One You Need To Kill

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Josie's P.O.V

"I'm only trying to protect you." Finch shouted, voice filled with both irritation and annoyance.

"My hero," I growled under my breath. "Now fuck off." I tried to walk away hoping that, that was finally the end of this conversation but nothing.

You know I really thought after what happened the night of the party finch would at least try to at least come around and apologize. Maybe we could stay friends or at least have some mutual respect for one another, but for her to accuse the girls, innocent children on being creatures of Malivore severed any chances I was willing to give her.

Why does everyone believe they would be monsters. If anything monsters were after them and instead of helping me protect them they want to hurt them. Not that I need anyones help to protect the girls but I couldn't deny that it hurt me deeply. But then again this was finch. Someone who cared for no one but herself.

"I'm not leaving you here alone. Not with that tribitch, or those monsters you call children."

I stare past her to the docks. I see lizzie holding Andrea while taking Kayleys hand. Lizzie points to the school, silently telling me she's taking them inside. Good. Last thing I want is for kayley to see things getting physical again.

"Can you just stop. I can take care of myself. I don't need you or anyone telling me whats right or wrong for me. What I do with my life has nothing to do with you anymore. So please just... leave me alone"

I pushed past finch and walked back into the school. As much as I wanted to be with my girls I decided I should probably shower first and clean myself from the lake water. I also needed to cool myself off.

By the time I got to my room I headed straight for the bathroom. I stepped up to the sink and ran my hands along my hair, brushing the strands back. I looked so tired... so jaded. When was the last time I actually got a prop nights sleep.

The corner of my eye caught the figure. That stupid cloak thing that stalked me, mocked me.

I clenched my jaw. My fingers curled into a fist, and hit the mirror. It cracked one, long, perfect line down the middle-- but didn't shatter. I felt my knuckles throb and I ran them under the sink, reaching blindingly for a towel. The figure gone, but not without leaving something behind.

On the floor right where it stood on the corner of the bathroom door was another paper. Unlike the first time were I saw the school documents of both hope and I, this piece of paper was different. It was actually a note.

Keep Dearest Away!

I heard a loud bang coming from my room. I held my breath staying quiet as the voice filled the bedroom.

"They are not here" I heard a male voice say. That annoying voice could only belong to one person and one person only.

"I told you Landon they aren't here. I gave you time to take them, how did you fail" the other, much higher. Finch.

"They were with lizzie. Do you honestly think she would give them to me. You know how much she hates us" he scoffed. I placed my hand over my mouth and tried to calm myself as much as I could. I had just a bit of magic, enough to cast a silencing spell around me so finches keen hearing wouldn't pick up any sounds coming from me.

"So how will we get them huh" finch shouted. "This was a stupid idea. This is why you don't come up with the plans"

"It's a minor set back okay. Besides we don't know what those things are capable of doing. Malivore monsters are pretty strong"

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