Chapter 21: Carry it All.

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Josie's P.O.V

Tired wasn't even a word I would use to describe how I was feeling, though it looked and felt like it. Everything about this day was going well, but I for one couldn't seem to enjoy a second of it. I tried to make it seem like everything was fine, and I played the role perfectly since no one questioned anything, but I just felt so drained. And it wasn't the lack of blood either.

Hope was right. Holding Andrea, and being near Kayley did help me control my urges. The entire day, it was like one big distraction to what was really happening, it made me actually believe that we were one big happy family, and all was well. Nothing to worry about.

Both Lizzie and Hope enjoyed their time playing with Kayley. Riding the rides, playing the games. Happy, smiling, laughing. A sight to see, and music to my ears. But of course I felt nothing.

This no humanity thing. This feeling of not being able to feel. I wonder if I had turned it off, would I be able to enjoy myself more, despite everything I had done last night. Or would I be more depressed.

How did everything turn complicated in just a few days. Before the week started I was planning my summer vacation with lizzie and hope. Were we going to go camping like Hope wanted or spend out summer nights going to the best parties and going out per lizzie's request.

Never once did those summer plans involve killing my father, ex-lover and friend, while fleeing to New Orleans. And all for what? Trying to prevent something bad happening in the future. Trying to protect our future and our children before we know what is truly happening.

Tired. I was really tried.

My ear twitched as a sharp noise rang in my ears. It was faint, coming and going quickly like the wind. Kind hushed but it was loud enough to bring my guard up, and my attention to my surroundings. It sounded distant, unclear of any actual word but for some reason I wanted to think the sound was the word mommy. But it could of been anything... or nothing at all.

Like when you hear a voice, or a sound, someone calling your name but when you look up there is nothing there. But it causes you to look around and figure out what caught your attention. And when you ask someone about it, they claim they didn't hear anything.

I knew lizzie didn't hear anything as she was trying to get Andrea to settle down. She became fussy all of a sudden and didn't want to stay still, moving around and wiggling. I could see it in lizzie's eyes, the fright of possibly dropping her.

It wasn't until her eyes turn gold when I realized something was wrong. It only happened a hand full of times, the change of color in the Childs eyes. Both kayley and Andrea had done it multiple times when there was danger.

I got up from the picnic table and looked around. Families were still moving around, playing, talking, laugh all seem normal, nothing to be afraid off. Well it would have if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't see or hear Hope or kayley anywhere near us. I tried to focus my hearing on them; I had memoried Hope's heart beat. But nothing.

"Do you see Hope? Did she tell you where she was going?" I asked lizzie, continuing to try to find them.

"No" lizzie shook her head.

"I'll go look for them"

"I'll go—"

"No" I shot lizzie's idea down immediately. Someone had to watch Andrea incase there were to be any trouble. And right now, I had more power to fight off any threats. I reached for my pocket and handed lizzie the car keys. "Take Andrea to the car. See if you can get her to settle down" I told her.

Lizzie didn't fight me on it. She took the keys and began to walk out of the fair lot. I watched her, and didn't move until she got out of the area. But she didn't. Instead she came right back, and I knew she saw that pissed off look on my face.

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