Chapter VII: Just A Child

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Hope's P.O.V

I turned back a bit seeing Josie with the girls on my bed. Kayley leaning against Josie, Andrea just staring at Josie as she begins to suck on her bottle. Josie gave me a tight lip smile and took the computer to start the movie. By the time I turned back to Landon he was still waiting impatiently for me to get out of the room and talk to him.

I step out, closing the door behind me. He began to walk down the hall and I followed. I followed him when we went down stairs and I followed him when we went outside. I didn't mind it, since we could have some form of privacy we wouldn't be able to get just standing and talking in the halls. The walls have ears after all.

"Hope, what is going on?" he finally spoke up.

I swallowed and slowly raised my head.

"You know I thought I misheard you last night. We've been together for a year, so I know the little one isn't yours" he took a breath placing a finger to his chin in thought. "And the other kid. I also doubt she's yours. You'd have to be at least 14 if you were her mom" he said. Is he seriously trying to put a logical explanation into this. Out of all things he could be putting those 2 brain cells to good use, he uses them to think about reproducing.

"Landon" I shook my head

"So are they your cousins, nieces or something?" he asked.

"Neither" I told him. "They are my daughters"

"Do I look that dumb" he scoffed.


"Those aren't your kids. There is no explanation to it being true"

"They are from the future."

He laughed like it was the most insane thing he had ever heard of.

"You expect me to believe two girls just magically appeared and are from the... future"

"I want you to say that again, slowly, and look to see where we are" I tell him pointing to the school behind me. Does he seriously think that this is something that is both scientifically and magically impossible to put into words. Please. As soon as magic is involved any and every logical explanation is thrown out the window. How can Landon be so dense as to believe otherwise.

"Right" he said. "So they are yours" he said slowly nodding his head.

"Like I told you 3 times now, yes" I took a breath. I was already feeling a headache forming..

"Soooo, does that mean- umm so wh-who's the father?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.


"Well if you're the mom then there has to be a father, right. Who is it?"

"One more time" I said. Now it was my turn to question, hearing his words like a foreign language.

"The dad, hope. Who is it?" he said his voice raising just a bit.

"I don't know why it would matter to you" I tell him.

From what I was able to gather from this dreaded conversation, he didn't know about Josies and I's future relationship. Today the school was on lockdown because a little kid was missing but, no one knew it was my child. I guess Alaric and lizzie are really keeping it hidden. If they did know, Landon would be asking about Josie, if we did or didn't have some past relationship.

But guess that hadn't cross his mind because he was still looking at me expectedly.

"Is there a chance that maybe"

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